Reports from JW's regarding the summer convention

by Lynnie 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Hmm...My SIL reported that the society really hit them hard on what they need to be doing?!? Of course she probably slept thru most of it.

    Also she said she asked a CO why they changed to DO at ASS-EMBLY halls and he told her it wasn't money cause it cost more to have them at assembly halls?!?

  • Dagney

    They're already gone. Actually, just about anyone under about 35 or so is gone.

    The ones under 18 are there because their parents are there.

    The 18-34 ones who are left are in it for purely social reasons - business contacts, built-in vacation buddies, no-tell drunken revelry buddies, automatic baby-sitting buddies (for the young parents), etc.

    Nobody under the age 40 gives a fraction of a hoot about doctrine or beliefs or policies.

    So very true. I look every once in a awhile at groups of FB kids, now adults, I knew very well. They are traveling and having a blast socially. Pioneering in Italy, Hawaii,'s a good life. Frustrating for me to see them all still in...I need to stop looking.

  • Shador
    The ones under 18 are there because their parents are there.

    The 18-34 ones who are left are in it for purely social reasons - business contacts, built-in vacation buddies, no-tell drunken revelry buddies, automatic baby-sitting buddies (for the young parents), etc.

    Nobody under the age 40 gives a fraction of a hoot about doctrine or beliefs or policies.

    I tend to agree with sir82. I said it when I was on here initially 6 years ago. I fully expect the collapse of the Watchtower within the next century. Most of the 18 and under crowd will leave when they get a chance. The older generation of JWs will all die off. That middle group, they may keep it around for a bit, but eventually they'll either wake up or grow old and die. People in 3rd world countries with less education could continue to be duped into joining but without the 1st world financing, its a goner.

    People the world over are growing disillusioned with organized religion in general, especially the younger generations. They certainly don't want to sign up for what most folks consider an oddball religion that has to go door knocking everywhere.

  • Roberta804

    I bet the WBTS will be gone in 10 years due to the internet. That would be nice

  • dozy

    Sir82 wrote "Ask any JW who rants on about how "positive" and "upbuilding" and "the best ever" the DC was....ask them just a week later to give you just 2 - just 2 - points that stand out in their minds. Watch the "deer in headlights" look come up."

    Yeah - too true. I don't know if they still have the "highlights from the assembly" item at the service meeting a couple of weeks later but usually I had one of these items , reviewing one of the days ( I usually volunteered & missed most of the sessions but luckily my wife took extensive notes so I was able to crib from them ) . All the JW's that had been on about how great the assembly was suddenly were sitting on their hands & I was desperately trying to elicit any comments from the audience about points they had learned during the assembly. These items usually ended up virtually being talks rather than audience discussions , with an occasional bone thrown to the audience asking about something that somebody was bound to have remembered ( like an experience or interview ). The lack of enthusiasm & recall was quite surprising.

  • LostGeneration

    Dozy makes a good point - one question that really gets em' if they are going on and on about the DC, or assembly or any "special talk" is

    "Really? So what did you learn that was new?"

  • Magwitch

    Lostgeneration.....Really? So what did you learn that was new?"

    Response: The end is closer now than ever before. We are on the brink, on the very, very, very brink....


    lol!!! Yep, the same as any other year, the best ever.. The sad truth is, Jw's live in a future, soon to be realized, just around the corner reality. Everything is in the future, someday I'll do this or that.. Their lives suck more than they are even aware of. They are not really living. So 3 days of having your bias confirmed is awesome! Who wouldn't want to hear how right you are for days on end?!

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    After reading various reports here and looking over the convention program, I am doubtful the WT has become warm and fuzzy.

    For argument's sake, as I've seen many times with WT articles and C.O. visits, the appearance is occasionally given that the GB finally 'understands' the pressures and workload JWs bear to be in "the truth". JWs usually conclude the GB finally gets it. In reality, those talks are meant to placate the publishers, who then get lulled into a false sense of security.

    Generally, a follow-up WT article or the next CO visit will negate the previous feel good message, and it's back to the old slave driver mentality and you're a worthless JW if you don't do 100% of everything WT demands.

    It's the "wife beater" mentality: the beating, then the promise it won't happen again, 'I love you'....until the next beating.

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