Reports from JW's regarding the summer convention

by Lynnie 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    DATA-DOG - I agree. But we all know how it goes.....the a$$embĀ£y or CONvention says 'don't be too hard on yourselves...' so leave it to the elders to be hard on you!

    It'll be the same old double standards.

  • respectful_observer

    I've talked to a few folks that have already attended it on the East coast and West coast and keep hearing thatits the most up-building program they've ever been to.

    Funny, I'll bet they said the same thing about last year's convention...and the year before that...and the year before that.

  • blondie

    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

    GB: No one gets to Jesus except through us. Matthew 29:1

  • punkofnice

    Respectful's one from my book bag for you....

  • JeffT

    Every assembly or convention I ever went to was the best one they ever did (in the eyes of the attendees). It was also possibly the last one in this system. I haven't been to one since 1988. Sounds like I haven't missed anything.

  • sd-7
    Seems the message is clear that we need to stop being so hard on ourselves and take time to appreciate the efforts we have put in and KNOW that we are deeply loved

    I'm sorry, are you sure these people were actually at a convention? Of Jehovah's Witnesses? Okay. I guess they didn't hear all of it, because none of the assembly or convention programs ever, EVER tells people to stop being so hard on themselves. If they do, I must've been distracted by the 50 interviews with people who are pioneering in spite of debilitating illness, unemployment, and etc. Which always gave me the message that, if they can do it, you're not doing even half of what you're supposed to do.

    Also, you are deeply loved so far as you obey. I'm sure that was understood by all in attendance.

    Funny thing is, I didn't always feel it was the 'best convention yet'. For me it was more like 'this was the best convention since 2003' or something like that. I mean, without a really, really cool new book, or an epic drama with hilarious stuff in it, it just couldn't be that good. And realizing that our being ordered not to go across the street to buy food from local vendors may have helped ruin those businesses didn't make me feel particularly good, either.

    Counting down, though. Just a month away now...


  • ?evrything

    yea when will u ever hear a dub say this convention wasnt as good as last years.. psh

  • Wholly

    Everyone will agree that love was rampant. So uplifting!

    And the spiritual food!!!

    Oh my, everyone will be positively stuffed.

  • Magwitch

    What a terrible way to waste three beautiful days of summer. Not to mention the waste of money from missed work, gas, picnic fare, new clothes and the drycleaning bill from all the Shasta pops spilled on your lap.

    My parents did do the obilgatory invite to their convention, unfortunately I will be at the pool with a good book and a soft pillow under my head. I sure hope they enjoy year 83 of sitting through another summer convention - happy for them that it is best one yet.

  • sir82
    If they are too harsh, they will lose followers, maybe the younger 16-20's " generation " (tm).

    They're already gone. Actually, just about anyone under about 35 or so is gone.

    The ones under 18 are there because their parents are there.

    The 18-34 ones who are left are in it for purely social reasons - business contacts, built-in vacation buddies, no-tell drunken revelry buddies, automatic baby-sitting buddies (for the young parents), etc.

    Nobody under the age 40 gives a fraction of a hoot about doctrine or beliefs or policies.

    The "apostates" on this board get all het up about changes & flip-flops to blood policy, or a generation, or who is the faithful & discreet slave, etc. The truth of the matter is, for the under-40's, JW beliefs and teachings just don't matter.

    It's a social club, where the dues paid are in "hours" instead of "dollars".

    Ask any JW who rants on about how "positive" and "upbuilding" and "the best ever" the DC was....ask them just a week later to give you just 2 - just 2 - points that stand out in their minds. Watch the "deer in headlights" look come up.

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