
by Stubborn Disbeliever 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • neverscreamagain

    Welcome-Stubborn Disbeliever!

    And of course- Peace!

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Hey Kiddo, Glad you're here with us. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and I hope your parents get everything they deserve.

    I know what you mean about the booze. During one of their visits, I went in a liquor store with them and saw them drop $600 just on booze.

    Love you and I know how hard this was to write, but maybe you can heal from here on out.

  • Stubborn Disbeliever
    Stubborn Disbeliever

    Wow! I went to take a nap to ease the migraine and, wow! Thank you all. I really appreciate all of your kind words. I definitely didn't put in most things, but jsut the biggest ones that stuck out to me right now. Thankfully I have my bff back and "mom" and "dad" who lead me here. I was hesitant about joining at first because I was sure my JW past was fine since I had no JW connections, but after visiting the site almost daily for just over a month, I knew I had to join. I was finally approved today after a long wait. Guess I didn't realize how good (in a sadistic way ha) it would feel to get it all out. Oh, and the $600 on booze was normal. They always made trips to the city to stock up, plus they had trips in the little town by us that they'd buy from AND their home made beer and wine. The amount of alcohol even makes MY liver shake in fear...and I have only a small percentage of their tolerance!

    But, again, thank you all so much for that welcome and the kind words.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Welcome, Stubborn Disbeliever. I am glad you have finally posted. I know how hard it is to let it all out, now the healing begins. This young lady's family is truly a peice of work. I could also tell you stories, but will leave it for another time.

    When your dad choked you to the point of passing out, in my book that is attempted murder!!!!!! That is rightous conduct for a elder. Yah right!!!

    Just to let you all know, if you have not figured it out already, Newly Enlightened and I are her "mom" and "dad" now. We have tried to help some, but Gogira 101 has been the biggest source of help. Keep it up Kiddo! We are all in this together, and together we will make it out alive.

    And when it is appropriate this adds to the bigger and most unbelieveable story, we have yet to tell.

    I truly hope you can find the love you have missed out on, and I am glad to see you have broken the mold, continue to love your own kids and treat them as gold, the gold your parents never gave you.

    I love you!

    Affectionatelly, Brother of the Hawk [I will surrender my mind no more, forever]

  • TotallyADD

    Welcome to the board Stubborn Disbeliever. Good name. I am so sorry what you went through. I have know many elders, Co's and Do's who drank alot. I knew one CO couple when it was 3:30 every afternoon they had to have a drink. I use to call it beer:30. Time does heal many things but the things we go through as children take along time to get over. You can get over it only if you work real hard at it. If you think you may need help go get it. It is all up to you and not anyone else. Thank you for your story and take care. Totally ADD

  • NewYork44M

    Welcome. Sit back and enjoy the ride. You will learn many things during this next phase of your education.

    At some point you need to answer the question - so what are you going to do with the rest of my life? The world offers endless opportunities you should take advantage of as many of these opportunities as possible. Don't consider your past a limitation to the possibilities.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Firstly, welcome - and please understand that you are very welcome!

    Sadly, alcohol abuse is an all to common occurrence amongst the JWs. (After all, "The Bible says that Jesus drank wine, doesn't it!") I was in introduced to drinking by the "brother" who "brought me into The Lie The Truth." Unfortunately, I proved to be a quick learner!

    For a long time, I did subscribe to the fiction that "Christianity" (i.e. JW-ism) made for a better type of person than the average "Worldling."

    Only after breaking free from the Borg some 19 years ago did I finally realize that I knew a lot of much better people before I ever got involved with the JWs. Theirs is not a family friendly religion, it hardly promotes good parenting (although they would have you believe otherwise), and is definitely not the ideal environment in which to bring up children. Even so, your father sounds like he was in separate league again when it comes to poor parenting! However, that he continued to remain as an elder comes as little surprize.

    Anyway, once again, welcome - and be assured of a supportive environment on this board, any time you wish to talk, and about any subject.


  • Quandry


    Good that stubborn is part of your name. It will serve you well as you make some new goals in life.

    You've been through alot, but have the joy of some really caring friends.

    Glad you are here with us.

  • clarity

    Dear Miss Stubborn ... you are awesome.


    Never forget that.


    You have life by the tail now ... hang on & don't let go.


    In spite of your family background, you had an intrinsic

    sense of right & wrong, don't lose that.


    My eyes tear when I see Gojira & Newly & Bro of the Hawk,

    gather around you.....because that looks like true love.


    May we all receive that kind of love!


    A huge welcome to you ... the journey just gets better!


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Welcome. Touching details. It's always fun to be around the drinking JW's, for a time. You have the rest of your life ahead of you. I tell myself that every day. Carpe Diem!

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