Your God asks for too much

by Qcmbr 91 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec




  • tec

    Unstop, consider that your verses refer to those who have been conceived... in the Spirit... but are still awaiting being born/their adoption (such as what Paul spoke of in Romans 8, and 2Corinth 1:22; also shedding the perishable and clothing oneself in the imperishable; and being given white robes - the clean spiritual body, rather than the vessel we have now)

    One is conceived in spirit... and then born in spirit. (same as the example we get from a regular pregnancy/birth)

    (if it helps, the word used for born - gennao - also means to conceive)

    The above is the understanding that I recieve from the Spirit to share here with you. I am not sure if you thought there was a conflict/gap in our understanding... but if so, then I hope the above helps.

    Peace to you,


  • Qcmbr

    Tec- the only thing of substance I ever seem to hear from you is that love is the only trait of your god. You claim the ten commandments but dismiss them in the next sentence with a wave of the magic love wand. You even reject foundational biblical rules as merely misundstandings ( circumcision was a misunderstanding by a prophet who supposedly had one to one chats with god - oh come on Tec you must have some more logical and sound foundation than that ) and that this super loving god was so gallopingly obscure and incapable of regular clear communication that an entire nation blithely hacked of foreskins in acts of loving devotion to this god. You arrogantly write off the experience and downgrade the devotional love of ALL religious people while sitting in your warm , safe house devoid of any immediate great needs beyond which biscuit to eat next and what revelation on the consequences of accidental death by fire to have and this qualifies you to say you have "LOVE" and everyone else merely had religion. Your reasoning describes no god who deserves worship, who prescribes no means, guides, commandments , standards or medium by which to aim for self improvement that is superior to existing human guidelines ( and is less justified and much more philosophically immature) and seems such a confusing hodge pudge of thought that it looks as though you make up answers on the spot. A god who relies on a mantra - x is not my god, x is a misunderstanding, my god is <love|tree|light|truth|magic rainbow farts> - but has nothing to back that up is a feeble god with no power.

    I appreciate the responses , thought this thread had died.

    Returning to the bible Jesus I think there are further accusations of setting the bar too high for far too little reward.

    1 - by what right does a god of love set up a mortal test , stack the odds against all the players, ( the vast majority never even get the rules explained to them if we take the bible as the game rules) , specifies those rules in a foreign language edition such that by the time it's been translated ( a job handed over to an era of myth and believing, knowledge lite, bunch of pious fraudsters incapable of fact checking the premises) it has an unending set of possible interpretations and no clear explanation of what authority is to be used to arbitrate between them?

    2 - by what right does a god of love damn mankind, deny them access to their home unless they bow the knee and worship, instil a dictatorial leader whom we have no choice over whose recorded views on slavery, women's rights, cursing, economics, food laws, medical science, physics, ways to learn and social relations are at best ineffective and at worst disgusting and vile?

    3 - what god would construct life as no more than a test , this brief mortality is no more than that, then an eternity of experiencing the consequences of a mortal life lived mainly by the dictates of self preservation, inborn genetic traits and nurture over which little control is available? To even suggest that such a place as hell exists , specifically crafted and designed, as an eternal, unending punishment is so horrific a concept that it makes Hitler look like a slightly mischievous kid.

    Why oh why do people even want this being or spend even a moment contemplating worship and slavery to this concept? What a terrible drag on society and a mental chain on individuals minds this idea was, is and will continue to be unless skepticism and atheism continue the rout of myth and magic in the rising generation.

  • Qcmbr

    Now this is what I 'worship'; magnificent human endeavour, style, imagination , creation , art, sport and youthful craziness with the enablement of science , modern media and humour. Mankind is greater than any god, no contest.

  • WTWizard

    I would not want to worship joke-hova again--that tyrant that forces us to go against our human nature. Sexual activity being necessary for development, so regulate it to death. (Or deprive some humans of it altogether.) So you want to know how the universe works? Read the LIE-ble and go solely by that, rejecting anything that goes against what that book of lies says. Entertainment? People enjoy it, so better keep it to a minimum and regulate it to death. And find some dead work to waste people's time.

    On the other hand, Satan has nothing against the above. Satan only has something against stupidity. And I mean the kind of willful stupidity--refusing to believe anything that goes against your current belief system even if it is blatantly proven wrong (something the LIE-ble promotes). Does willful stupidity go against basic human nature? Would you be better off if you avoided all forms of willful stupidity? Or, would you be better off avoiding things joke-hova wants you to avoid and obeying the regulations joke-hova establishes?

  • OnTheWayOut


    Your God has no rules or commandments to keep?

    He does. But if one understands love, then one only needs that. If one has love written upon their hearts, instead of upon stone tablets, then one needs no written law.


    Tammy - Children are gullible - that is what Jesus was asking for and its what we see in abundance.

    The total absence of critical thinking we see from some on this forum and on your other forum is jaw-dropping.

    A willingness to believe outrageously stupid assertions is something most of us grow out of - in your world it is a virtue.

    I have to agree with Cofty, but will focus on one issue. Tammy will say she did not say what I will now say, but her comment IMPLIES that non-Christians do not have love written upon their hearts. I cannot go along with such an implication.

    Children are told fairytales and stories about Santa Claus and we talk about them losing their innocense when they stop believing in such. Some believers hold on to a form of innocense just like believing in Santa Claus. Others wake up and lose it.

  • cyberjesus

    Fast forward this forum 2 years..... And you will read the same posts.

  • OnTheWayOut

    CJ, so true. I sometimes listen to the all-news radio station. If you listen more than 15 minutes, the news cycle finishes and repeats. There are at least two reasons to keep listening, though:

    1. Something new might come into the mix.

    2. You might not fully be paying attention the first time around, because you are driving or working.

    But you are right. Change stations once in awhile so that maybe you can enjoy something else.

  • Qcmbr

    CJ - there is nothing new under the sun and a sucker is born every minute. Maybe no change in a couple of years but maybe we will in 5 years.

    These discussions and debates are quite strong here and elsewhere on the net because with anonymity and global trade in ideas mankind has finally got the chance to overcome religion and faith. The rising generation will look back on this war and wonder why anyone would fall for dusty old myths. Just like smoking we have the tools and means to understand why it is harmful and so we can start to alter our behaviour away from it. We are in the middle of a seismic social change away from myth based worldviews to science based ones. This very moment will be talked of in social text books and history lessons just as the Renaissance is. IMO.

  • tec

    Tammy will say she did not say what I will now say, but her comment IMPLIES that non-Christians do not have love written upon their hearts. I cannot go along with such an implication.

    I implied absolutely no such thing. My many, many comments to the opposite around this forum are enough to confirm that. ANYONE can have love written on their hearts... and many do have the law of love written on their hearts, naturally. These ones are known BY Christ, even if they do not know Him, by the love in their heart made manifest in their actions toward others. These are also invited into the Kingdom. (I think I said that even in this thread)

    So no. I did not even remotely imply that non-christians do not have love written upon their hearts. Just the opposite.



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