Your God asks for too much

by Qcmbr 91 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tec

    Tammy you are one of the most religious people I have ever encountered.

    Well, that is because you equate faith to religion.

    I do not.

    Becoming like a child is by definition infantalising.

    For me, it is more as in... being willing to learn rather than thinking that you know everything, and so have no need to follow someone. Your cup is already full.

    What exactly do you mean, in practical terms, by using infantalizing then?



  • wolfman85

    Tammy, !!

  • cofty

    Tammy - Children are gullible - that is what Jesus was asking for and its what we see in abundance.

    The total absence of critical thinking we see from some on this forum and on your other forum is jaw-dropping.

    A willingness to believe outrageously stupid assertions is something most of us grow out of - in your world it is a virtue.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    For me, it is more as in... being willing to learn rather than thinking that you know everything,

    I remember being told that at my JW bible study....LOL They had nothing worth learning, unless you count yet another version of belief as worthy, there are plenty of unsubstantiated claims available if people are looking to learn like sheep. Learning about others beliefs is only useful for understanding how humans behave. What they teach does not necessarily have any value. So being like a child and willing to 'learn' every supernatural claim would be a futile experiment.

  • EntirelyPossible

    The goats... those who are destroyed by the fire that comes down from heaven (these are ones who ride out to destroy those in the kingdom; so their intent is to destroy... no basic social skills at all)

    Huh. Where does Green Lantern fit in?

  • tec

    Tammy - Children are gullible - that is what Jesus was asking for and its what we see in abundance.

    Oh come on, lol... yeah, he was telling people to become gullible. Religion asks this a lot, true. Christ... God... no.

    The total absence of critical thinking we see from some on this forum and on your other forum is jaw-dropping.

    Yet you ... and others... cannot seem to stay away from a place that you deem lacking in critical thinking. Funny, that.

    A willingness to believe outrageously stupid assertions is something most of us grow out of - in your world it is a virtue.

    You don't really know all that much about my world, Cofty, as your many statements concerning 'my world' attest.



  • tec

    Thanks Wolfman (and CA from earlier)... and peace also to you!


  • cofty
    Oh come on, lol... yeah, he was telling people to become gullible. Religion asks this a lot, true. Christ... God... no.

    "Blessed are those who don't see and yet believe" - Jesus H. Christ

    Yet you ... and others... cannot seem to stay away from a place that you deem lacking in critical thinking.

    I spend approx 30 secs a day on your forum to see what the latest "New light" is.

    You don't really know all that much about my world

    I know the anti-scientific, superstitious, fantasies that you promulgate as gospel and the child-like attitude of those who eat it all up. This is exactly what I mean by the way religion infantalises people.

    The need for certainty is another childish trait as is the belief that there needs to be a final reckoning. Life is unfair and there is no ultimate judge who is going to settle scores and dispense justice.

  • tec

    "Blessed are those who don't see and yet believe"

    They do not see... but they do hear. They do trust on what they did hear from Christ as well. Walking by faith; not by sight.

    To become like a child also means coming to something without tainted eyes... fresh eyes; so one can see clearly.

    As for why you come to my forum, you don't need to explain it to me. You have to check in. You can disparage it all you want, but you still have to check in, so that you can then go on and discuss it with others on one of your guys' other sites. That... is strange... to me. (And 30 seconds a day isn't really much to actually have a clue what people are talking about... except perhaps to reinforce that tainted eyed view)



  • cofty
    To become like a child also means coming to something without tainted eyes... fresh eyes; so one can see clearly.

    No. Coming to questions objectively is called science. Its a method that helps us to get out biases and prejudices out the way.

    It does not lead to childish fantasies about baby teeth, gargoyles and yak hair.

    You claim you can hear an invisible person and yet you deny that religion infantalises. OK

    30 seconds a day isn't really much to actually have a clue what people are talking about...

    Its more than enough

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