JW Interracial Couples

by Iamallcool 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    This is a product of taking away choices and opportunities. And, now that the Grand Boasting Session is a thing of the past (unless someone comes up with a January Kingdumb Misery insert article about one, I assume that they are finished), those days where you had between 5,000 and 8,000 people together are gone. With the field limited to 500-700, you are pretty much restricted to whatever is on hand.

    This is also a big reason why you get crappy choices. Especially when you get older women stuck with younger men, that could produce the problem of not having any children (when the men are older, that is less of an issue). Or, you get a Jewish partner marrying someone that is fully Gentile, where neither are comfortable with this situation (which is about as much of a problem, if not somewhat bigger, than marrying a different race because no one of your own race is available). But worst of all is when "sisters" are stuck with abusive tyrant "husbands". You know, the sort that everything the wife does is what the husband demands she do. This is as common with marriages with no racial differences, close ages, and that "should work". Many of these "marriages(??)" are arranged by the hounders.

    People should have the right to choose whether to marry across races. People should have the right to make their own decision whether to marry a Jew (or if they are Jewish, to marry a Gentile). People should have the right to choose whether they wish to marry someone much older or younger than they are themselves. These issues should never be forced on anyone because there are limited options or because the hounders feel like arranging something (which is when they are least likely to work out). And most of all, no one should ever feel forced to marry a tyrant simply because no one else is available or because Brother Hounder thinks it would be cute.

  • undercover

    In the Southern US, interracial marriages were frowned upon, even in JWland.... back in the late 60s, early 70s that is. At least in my area.

    I remember talks on the subject and I remember the reasoning had nothing to do with the differences in race or color. It wasn't a prejudice or a bigoted viewpoint. They, the WTS speakers, acknowledged that there was nothing wrong with interracial relationships and marriages... But you had to keep in mind the area where you lived and if it was viewed as acceptable.

    They painted it as if they were trying to save young couples the pain of being ostracized by "worldly" people who were not as enlightened as they, Jehovah's true loving pople, were.

    Actually, even though they painted it that way, the real reason was that they didn't want the bad press of having interracial couples in areas not as open to the concept. As we know, it's all about the WTS reputation, not about individual JWs. If there are interracial couples trying to preach the message in the rural South, their success was going to be nil, with many of the people in the area prejudiced against them before they even opened their mouths or magazines. What good is a pioneer that can't get someone to even open the door for them?

    The first interracial couple in our area was a pioneer couple. And they got married despite the counsel to not get married. They were told of the hardships they would endure, but they were in love so they got married anyway. And they're still married today, happy and deluded as JWs still.

  • tornapart

    I know quite a few mixed race marriages in my part of the UK. To be honest it's no big deal, no one thinks anything of it. Racial differences are a bit meaningless here. It always surprises me when I see what a big thing is made of it. Nobody seems to care what colour someone else is here, why should it matter?

  • talesin

    My brother was best man at one of the first inter-racial marriages here back in the 60s. It was not a problem around here, and I knew several couples my age as well.

    And yes, Asian people do marry 'outside' their race.

    The world outside the USA is quite different. see tornapart's comment, above ^^


  • BluesBrother

    It is no big deal to most people here in the U K, inside or outside of the J W's

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I found that while I'm in the LOs Angeles area, it's fine. When we travel to other parts of the country, then we get the stares or comments

  • undercover

    Actually, it's amazing how much better parts of the South have gotten. Oh, sure, you can go out in the sticks and find some hillbillies that have never seen, nor want to see, an inter-racial couple...but in the progressive towns and cities, it's quite common anymore.

    Seeing my region progress out of the backward way of thinking, it reminds me of how the WTS cautioned against inter-racial relationships way back when and how they took a conservative approach to dealing with progressive ideals. Surely, the God of unity, love and mercy would have directed his organization to be more with it, donchathink?

  • Skbj

    I'm an interracial couple, and there were quite a few in the congregations I Attended in UK, apparently also in my home country area now.

    From what i've seen in general from also non JW mixed couples are quite a normal thing in Europe, so the big deal is mostly a US thing. I think 70% of married couples amongst my friends are mixed couple, and I promise I didn't pick them on purpose.

    Edit: a couple of months ago we visited some of my husband family in Bronx, NY. They are jamaican originally and I'm not sure one of the aunties knew I was caucasian, so I did get a short stare when she entered the house as to say what's this white chick doing here lol, but then when I say I'm Italian people seem to relax like suddenly I'm not white no more.Happens every time. Weird but to me just show people pre conceptions about where you from.

  • RubaDub

    When I was growing up, the inter-racial thing was always presented as acceptable but potentially difficult, especially if children came along (suburbs of New York City).

    That was, well ... about 35 years ago.

    Today, with so many well-known people married or dating people of other races, the general perception of it has changed. In general, I find it a non-issue to most people, even those in the Borg.

    Plus, in JW land, the growth is in ethnic and non-English congregations so it is obvious that the potential marriage pool has many more shades of color than in the past.

    Rub a Dub

  • jam

    In 1964 in high school, Pasadena Ca. Dating a very

    sweet young lady. Well not really dating because we never

    went out on a date.LOL Our dating consist, me walking her

    too her classes. One day we were holding hands while walking

    in the school hall way. Wow, I was called to the office and told

    we can not do that, ( school policy). We only dated for a few weeks.

    Doing that time I was harass by seniors white guys ( I was a Junior she a senior), harass by the black ladies and told by my MOM, you need to end this. If my Mom could see our family to day, she would be shocked, Interracial couples, her grandkids and great grandkids. LOL

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