JW Interracial Couples

by Iamallcool 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I was. Quite some racism from the black elders and family for that.

  • C6H12O6

    Yes I do notice JW interracial couples in my area, but I'm not that surprised b/c...

    1. foreign language groups and congregations are growing

    2. small dating pool - as long as the WTBS pushes the "Marry only in the Lord" scripture, JW's can only date/marry other JW's...which leaves them less than 8 million people on this planet.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    uhh don't the JWs now have an interracial couple GB member?

    Geoffrey and Rae...at least according to the picture...


  • Chariklo

    I know quite a few interracial JW couples.

    But the ones I know don't fit DATA DOG's stereoptype at all.

    Hmmmm... The guys are usually nerdy and the women super hot ( at least where i live ). The dudes are always Elders. If it is a black/white couple the dude, if white, is always effeminate. If reversed, the guy is usually tubby and obnoxious while the wife is subservient and blonde. Sometimes you see Black/Asian couples. In that case the guy is always huge and she is always hot and tiny. Funny how that works..

    They are pretty well all good-looking, both parties. Really, given that I've only known JW's for a very few years (still far too many!) I know a surprising number. I can think of 15 or more, all age groups, without even trying, not all local by any means though, because of visiting couples.

    But it reflects the nomal trends in the population, doesn't it? At least in the UK, anyway. These are all British or naturalised British couples...Commonwealth and British, anyway.

  • ilikecheese

    My JW boyfriend and I are in an interracial relationship, but I'm not a JW so I should shush. :P

    His mother is a baptized JW married to another baptized JW, and they're an interracial couple, though.

  • punkofnice

    My parents were mixed race.

    My Dad was the 100 metres and Mum was Pakistani.

  • punkofnice

    TBH I always preferred black girls. I don't think it's a WBT$ thing.


    I was stereotyping a bit, not on purpose. That's just how it is most of the time in my area. A small dating pool is a factor. I shudder to think of my daughter dating.....

  • DaCheech

    maybe, the race problem will all go away when: 100 years from now, all people will be caramel/chocolate color???

  • DaCheech

    the problem about a small dating pool is: people marry too early due to settling (alot of people that are attractive are "taken" early).

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