I totally understand why Michael Jackson took propofol

by Hortensia 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    You're all right about the dangers of those drugs. Even tylenol is dangrous if taken on a regular basis, especially if you take other meds too.

    My problem is that I'm retired. I used to have a schedule, and I worked hard -- I used to get physically tired every day. I think being physically tired helps you sleep. Now I don't have any particular reason to get up at a particular time, so I don't. And with the knees I've got, doing much of anything to exercise is painful.

    Today I got up 4 hours early and I've been keeping myself busy, hoping to be tired a little earlier. Going to sleep at dawn on a regular basis sucks.

    As for MJ's doctor, that was criminal irresponsibility. He deserves jail.

    The thing about most meds, unless your life depends on them, is that you can do other stuff to solve the problem. I know exercise solves a lot of problems, a decent diet solves problems. In my case, I imagine some self-discipline would help. I used to be amazed when I was a massage therapist at the number of people who take 16 ibuprofin a day and have been doing so for years.

    Sometimes you don't have a choice, sounds as though some of you are in that boat. So I'm not criticizing anyone. I'm giving myself a pep talk. I would dearly love to go to sleep at a reasonable time and wake up at a reasonable time. I hope getting up early and keeping myself busy will help tonight.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Why not get some old 160mg pills of Oxycontin and burn off the time-delayed release chemicals on a silver spoon and shot it up? I hear it's better than propofol, a drug used for invasive surgery procedures, car crashes, forth degree burns, limbs hanging off! OMG!

    A drug used to stop the pain of a soldier who just had his leg blown off? Very strange!

  • littlerockguy

    I had it when I had surgery to have a large cyst cut out my back. The doctor just said, "ok, here we go" and "ok, that's it" and I kept thinking, you mean I had been out that long? It just took a nanosecond and I was out? Damn!!


  • Hortensia

    that was my experience when I had cardioversion -- out like a light, and I woke up a second later -- or so it seemed -- to find out I had been out for half an hour. It was refreshing.

  • NeverKnew

    I've got a very stressful but wonderful job. Occasionally, I find that I can't get my brain to shut off. My prescription sleep aid of choice? LUNESTA.

    Ambien was horrible for me. Slept four hours and then stared at the ceiling for the next four.

    Benadryl - drunken stupor the next morning.

    1/2 of a 3 mg Lunesta? out within 15-20 minutes for the night.

    Melotonin is a natural sleep aid I've used. I just don't know if it worked or if I just needed the placebo.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I don't poo poo medicine necesarily, but when u compare how much Dr's in this country prescribe, as opposed to other western countries, well it's quite shocking.

    I really feel for people managing pain. The Balance. I have a few addcit friends who, kicked the habit, but still need to manage the pain. I couldn't imagine trying that balancing act.

    From past injuries, my joints hurt. I keep it to a minimum with natural anti inflammatory items such as cactus juice, and artichoke juice. It keeps me away from the advil. Pain gone? no. But I function very well. Losing a few pounds would do wonders as well. After losing about 20 from this Ebola virus, it might be a good staring point

  • Hortensia

    I try not to take anything for pain or for sleep. I whine about sleep, and I do ice or stretches or massage for pain. Occasionally I take tylenol pm but it leaves me hungover the next day. I have lorazapam, but it only works for a few nights, then it doesn't work. And it's addictive. I just keep the bottle in case I need it someday.

    I just wish I could get on a normal schedule -- midnight to 8 a.m. instead of sleeping from dawn to about 2 p.m. It really sucks. See, whining is how I handle the problem.

  • talesin

    Hort, melatonin @ 2mg, which is a low dose, may help you *get* to sleep, but it won't keep you there. You might want to try it .... I have to take Lorazepam because I don't get REM, the night terrors take over, and I never rest. The Lorazepam is especially good for PTSD because it stops me from dreaming and sleepwalking. But, I don't do it every night, and take a break for a few weeks a year, because it *is* so addictive.

    For me, too, it's easier to fall asleep at dawn (I feel safer, and the dreams sometimes go away), but it sucks the day away. We do require less sleep as we age (or so it is said).

    I feel for you, and hope you find a solution.



  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Are you able to exercise throughout the day? People taking sleeping pills don't usually have a good program, taking them various times, instead of one set time at night. Example:

    At 8pm if you think you can't get to sleep until 11-12, take your Ambien and try not to read or watch anything with too much stimuli. If your doctor has given you one of the Benzo's, calculate a couple of hours before you desire to sleep. The problem I've seen is many take the medications as their laying down in their beds, waiting hours for the medications to kick, as they rehearse how their day went.

    Our society is truly a sleep deprieved one, with so much stress, anxiety others deal with chronic pain and depression. There is no sure fire "silver bullet" for rest, only try to develop some kind of routine that tells your body, "hey we are going to wind our day down, and get relaxed (no reading material in bed), we don't need propofol to sleep!

    When your sleep become really bad, I know some doctors will start handing out Seroquel 50-100mg, I hear it knocks you out for ten hours!

  • Leolaia

    I try to be sparing with ambien. I use it only when I try to get over jetlag (that is, for 2-3 days tops) and otherwise if I happen to go to bed after 3am. And then generally I only use half of a pill. I only use a full pill sometimes on the second day of jetlag, if I feel I need a larger dose. And that's it. It's never failed me. If the day comes when this dose doesn't work anymore, then I know I've developed a tolerance and I would need to find some other method.

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