Christ's 'silence' on slavery.

by tec 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    ah your ingenious defence is that Christ does not have opinions therefpre as long as he is your source of info you can have any opinion and not be in disagreement with him.


    Well played. Do you have any biblical evidence that Christ is sans opinion or is that a circular logic opinion you have that may or may not be agreed with by your Christ?

    "Everything I say or do is just as my Father has taught me"

    "I am the Truth"

    (not, "I am an opinion about the truth")

    To cut to the chase I think you are incapable of enunciating an opinion of your own that you do not simultaneously think your Christ holds.

    I think I stated that myself, above. I am following Him. He is the Truth. So I'm not going to knowingly hold an opinion that I think is in conflict with Him, with Truth.

    Your entire worldview revolves around subservience to the idea. if you could give an opinion you hold that you know Christ disagrees with you would alter your opinion. You are therefore incapable of mentally having am opinion opposite to your internal perception of Christ. In effect you must , by logical definition, think that when you share your opinion that until checked Christ agrees with you.

    Or I keep silent.

    Some things I know, because He has shown them to me.

    Some things I think I know, based on my understanding of His teachings, and of love. I can be wrong in these though. Hence, discussion, prayer, reflection, etc.



  • EntirelyPossible

    No problem, Palm.

    I only speak for me, but I *think* a large portion of the community don't want you, me, NC, Sab, Shamus, Mrs. J, Elaine, CA, KS, SBF, Tec, Shelby, Cedars, Outlaw, Moshe, WT Wizard or anyone else banned. We all have strong opinions, hot buttons, say things we regret, wish we would have saidf something else, etc., from time to time.

    It happens. Like I said, we are all human, every one of us. Maybe rather than banning, a 1, 3, 5 or 7 day timeout would be a compromise? We all make mistakes. Sometimes no mistake is made and some people feel bullied and others feel like they were being normal and resonable. Speaking for myself, I know that people have felt that I have been a bully in the past. It's never once been my intention to bully. I live in a world (IRL) where we all are expected to defend 100% everything we say in front of hostile groups, we are always challeneged, sometimes it's your best friend telling you that you are full of shit and we expect that those conversations have NOTHING to do with us being friends.

    That's the world I live in. Others don't and I, personally don't always realize that. Let's get to personal understandings so we can know what some expect, some don't, some can tolerate, others can't, etc., to get along.

  • tec

    EP -

    Just because.

    You've been pretty awesome the last couple days, you know?

    (of course you know... its rule #9)



  • EntirelyPossible

    Tec, as much as we diagree, I think you are pretty damn awesome. And thanks :)

  • tec

    Rule # 10 ;)

  • james_woods
    No problem, Palm.
    I only speak for me, but I *think* a large portion of the community don't want you, me, NC, Sab, Shamus, Mrs. J, Elaine, CA, KS, SBF, Tec, Shelby, Cedars, Outlaw, Moshe, WT Wizard or anyone else banned. We all have strong opinions, hot buttons, say things we regret, wish we would have saidf something else, etc., from time to time.

    I agree with that. I was very sad to see SBF banned - I personally think he got caught up in somebody elses vendetta (someone who also was banned).

    For what it is worth, the person that I think Palm was talking about earlier in this thread really did deliberately cause herself to be banned here. She did it out of frustration with a number of people who kept using her issues to "push the buttons", so to speak. A number of us miss her too.

    She told me so after the fact - we used to talk fairly often by email.

    As I said earlier - Tec did an excellent job on this thread of presenting an interesting opinion and defending her logic on it.

  • tec

    Thank you, James.



  • cofty

    Tammy You have invented the ultimate sockpuppet.

    Jesus agrees with everything you think because you say that's what he thinks too. tadaah!

    Here is a report on the phonomena of The Sockpuppet God I highly recommend it as a fascinating read.

  • tec

    Cofty, I don't say that at all.



  • cofty

    Its not what you say its what you do that counts. You use god/Jesus as a sockpuppet who you invent in your own image.

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