2012 Annual Meeting

by obarac 196 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Think they'll mention how often a certain WT ASL video got downloaded and viewed?

  • mamochan13

    V Disfellowshipping - a loving privilege and a responsibility

    a) twisting the knife

    b) guidelines for obits

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Data Dog- d) Return to Pyramidology ( it was this or merge with Scientology, hey times are tough)

    f) Wombat blood fractions are acceptable for Yap Islanders

    g) Recovery, Fifth Column and Elephant to replace Governing Body as of January 1st 2013


    Billy the ex- LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • WTWizard

    Another compact fluorescent light bulb. As with the horrible stuff that is supposed to resemble light that those things put out, the spiritual monosodium glutamate will barely resemble anything good. Rather, it will be some adjustment in the attitude or the belief system. Or, it could be something about another definition of "a generation", possibly adding one more string to the Christmas light generation.

    By contrast, at the table of Demons, I get new light every time I check the e-group. There is still much to practice--and it is far more challenging than trying to get a rag presentation right. At worst, it is better than the results of going door to door and wasting your time getting no one at home. And, there is a chance that, when you eventually get it right, you could use it to empower your soul. Meditations, energy workings, runes, mantras--and that each of us is at different levels, each of us helps each other, and there are no Talmud-size books of rules or Sanhedrin-like secret policy books.

  • elderelite

    Sigh.... Dat dog is probly 100% accurate. Maybe not those words but that will be the giest of it


    Yep. I've never even been an Elder, or MS, or pioneer either! How can you sit through that stuff!!! Some people eat that up. One Elder was so happy after one particular meeting, here were his hi-lights: ( exacts words )

    When the GB says " jump " you say, " How High?! " while still in the air!

    The New world Translation is the crown jewel of the WTBTS's printing achievements.

    Higher education for your children will bring you spiritual qualifications under scrutiny.

    What a great meeting! I could have made all THAT up! They should grant me immunity and pay my bills! In turn, my articles and meetings will be much more entertaining and happifying! I can save them millions and keep the current members happy. If only they would humble themselves and ask for help!

  • Gayle

    My source states:

    It is only being held in NYC, there will not be a tie in with the rest of the country.

    Seems it won't bring in as much money that way. Maybe it didn't bring in enough that way last year. ???

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    OK, breaking news. . .

    Just got it on good authority that Bethel has recalled all missionaries in the field to make it back home to HQ to be present at the Annual Meeting for a significant announcement regarding a new understanding of:


  • LostGeneration

    Oh please, please, please let them tie the 120 year generation of Noah to 1914.

    Then we will get to spend the next 18 waiting for their next prophetic failure. Maybe that will finally put the final nail in the coffin of this cult. Nah, I doubt it.

    Seriously, these guys are really going to take another shot at interpreting bible prophecy?!?!?!?! Gotta give them props for NEVER, EVER, giving up!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    ^^^^^Just thinking that myself. . .

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