2012 Annual Meeting

by obarac 196 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    It has been such, effectively, for yrs. This is making it codified, the closing of a loophole. They are the equivalent to the pope of the roman catholic church.


  • Recovery

    I have a feeling a lot of anti JW websites will now have to remove some of their FDS arguments LOL

  • Recovery

    There are no popes and no men of absolute authority in Gods organization. Just ask Ray Franz.

  • MrFreeze

    Why Recovery, because the WT keeps switching things up? Don't worry, those anti-JW sites will have plenty of material to work from due to the claims they've just made.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    but they are appointed by holy spirit according to your literature.

    which brings to mind a particular question...

  • EndofMysteries

    No Recovery, just ask Judge Rutherford.

  • puffthedragon

    the poster on r/exjw says they should have it up next week, I will share once its available.

    here is the thread where an attendee posted on r/exjw


  • Leolaia
    Then they spent an hour explaining how the faithful and discreet slave is no longer all anointed people but just the GB as a unit.

    Wow, FINALLY they tackled that one....they're been using "F&DS class" as a proxy for the actual religious leadership (whether the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society or the GB) ever since Rutherford tried to get Bible Students to stop thinking of Russell as the "faithful and wise servant" by generalizing this figure to the entire anointed class. Everyone knows it really refers to the GB....I remember thinking in the '80s it was lame to hold that it refers to the anointed as a whole in theory.

  • Sauerkraut
    Then they spent an hour explaining how the faithful and discreet slave is no longer all anointed people but just the GB as a unit.

    If I weren't out mentally, then this would have been my final wakeup call.

  • panhandlegirl

    Yes, I can't wait to see something in print myself.

    If I weren't out mentally, then this would have been my final wakeup call.

    Saurekraut, that would be my cue to leave also, if I wasn't already out.How arrogant of them.


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