2012 Annual Meeting

by obarac 196 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Yes, Lynnie, the R&F do get invited. No it's not for rich witnesses(LOL)

  • cobaltcupcake

    My ex-in-laws went one time when they had all the "old-timers" in for the 100th anniversary. They flaunted it like it was a huge privilege.

    My bro and sis-in-law went every year because they were Bethelites.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    We got invited this year but turned it down.

    I was curious but have schoolwork, and I think my wife is just weirded out by it (which is good!) Almost wish we could have gone so my wife could see the Govening Body ( capital GB, of course) in all of their pompous, self-aggrandizing glory.

  • baltar447

    Damn, BOC! you should have gone and reported back! You could have recorded it.

  • puffthedragon

    Generally, bethelites are given passes to invite friends or family as kind of a gift to the bethelites. But some get personal invitations from higher ups at bethel as well. And any who serve on any of the corporations.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    An older elder whom I love but irritates the hell out of me goes every year. He absolutely worships the GB and other WT heavyweights. Every year he tells us all about it, and out of respect for him we act like we care. It makes him feel special. Me personally, its just another meeting. I miss enough meetings I'm supposed to attend, so why bother going to one I'm not obligated to attend.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    BALTAR447 - sorry. . . gotta maintain that 4.0 GPA if I want to get into a good graduate program!

  • SophieG

    Some folks get invited to watch the live feed at AHs such as pioneers and spouses and some "faithful servants" I.e my mum. Some folks get twisted behind the fact that non special folks somehow get to sit in. It's a trip!


    Outline for annual meeting

    I. The end is near

    a) Donating is a privilege and responsibility

    b) Meetings are a priviledge and responsibility

    c) Field service is a priviledge and responsibility

    II. Safeguard your heart

    a) Jehovah and Jesus trust the Slave

    b) trust the Slave

    c) The Watchtower is Jehovah's word

    d) Listen, obey and be blessed

    III. Safeguard your mind

    a) Do not study independently

    b) Do not study Hebrew or Greek

    c) Do not use the internet

    d) Do not question theocratic procedures

    IV. The Organization is God's channel

    a) Wonderous expansion taking place

    b) Review of 2012 service year

    c) preaching work soon to be finished

    d) Return to Pyramidology ( it was this or merge with Scientology, hey times are tough)

    e) Donations are a priviledge and responsibility

    f) Wombat blood fractions are acceptable for Yap Islanders

    g) Recovery, Fifth Column and Elephant to replace Governing Body as of January 1st 2013

  • LostGeneration

    DATA- Got me there!

    I started reading that and the blood pressure started rising. Fortunately I got to the "do not study" part pretty quick and the blood pressure quickly dropped.

    Love the last two lines!

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