wts made a video about masturbation IN SIGN LANGUAGE, WITH GESTURES

by rebel8 293 Replies latest members adult

  • Jeffro
    As uncomfortable as this subject might be, deaf people need to know this because it would be terrible for them to end up being blind as well as deaf.

    What happens to people who are already blind?

  • Fernando

    Not knowing SL it seemed as if the signer kept looking heavenward and indicating God's displeasure (with sexual pleasure).

    It seemed to be a rather graphic representation of the apostate teaching that we can be right with God through rule-keeping and by following an inane and ever changing moral code from the spiritually blind Sanhedrin and Pharisees.

    IMPUTED righteousness (justification by faith alone and not by works) is completely off the radar for the spiritually blind, confused, inebriated and insane ruling religious clergy class, who perpetually and surreptitiously hate, fear, oppose and attack the unabridged "gospel of grace" exactly as they did back in 30AD, in "Franzgate 1980", and to this day.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Scott! Oh no! Have the webmaster(bator)s of the WTS already taken it down? That's a pity? Or is it just taken down from your Facebook group? I hope some people hade downloaded it and saved it on their hard-on....ehhhh.......hmmm ....sorry, hard-drives.

  • perfect1

    DS the link is still active on the first post of this thread.

  • Quandry

    The facial gestures were also hilarious!

  • Quendi

    I have appreciated reading the comments posted on this topic, particularly those of jeanpicard,Scott77, Vanderhoven7 and Iamallcool. As I’ve stated on other threads, it is very easy to criticize something we don’t understand or have little or no experience with. I know nothing about ASL other than it is a gestures-driven language. Those among us who are deaf or work with the deaf have helped me understand what I was watching on the video.

    I also think we have to avoid the trap of criticizing everything the WTS does. For some among us, there is a Pavlovian reaction, a conditioned reflex to reject anything with WTS origins. We made good our exit from the organization and we are right to point out its many flaws, grave errors and even the evil it has engaged in. There is nothing objectionable about doing so. What I think we should avoid is rushing to judgment on all its activities.

    In this case, I agree with those who assert that masturbation is not a proper topic for discussion in a house of worship or any religious publications. This video reflects the WTS’ overall preoccupation with human sexual behavior of any kind and its burning and insatiable lust for control over other people in every aspect of life. Considered in that light, criticism of the video is certainly valid. However, I think a balanced viewpoint, based on accurate information, would have seen that while the purpose and reason for producing this material can be challenged, its execution should not be.


  • perfect1


    Why do you think its ok to challenge the concept but not the execution. Regardless of knowing or needing ASL- its not hard to imagine going to a meeting and watching this- isnt the non-ASL persons impression equally important.

    To be sitting there told its a sin while someone is lewdly gesturing the sinful action. I dont understand your should statement. Seems like a thought stopper.

    RE: your comment:

    Considered in that light, criticism of the video is certainly valid. However, I think a balanced viewpoint, based on accurate information, would have seen that while the purpose and reason for producing this material can be challenged, its execution should not be.

  • stillajwexelder

    Video number 11 Let Marriage be Honorable - sure looks like he is simulating fellatio to me too. I would be embarassed

  • Quendi

    Thanks, perfect1, for your question. I base my response on what those who are deaf or work with the deaf have posted on this thread. They saw nothing wrong with the presentation of the topic itself. Many who viewed the video thought it was too graphic and what I appreciated was the input from those who know ASL and said there was nothing wrong or inaccurate about its presentation because this language is very graphic and emphatic in the gestures used. So that’s where I’m coming from.

    You make a good point about how the non-ASL speaking person views this material. You’d think that also would have occurred to the WTS before it ever produced the video let alone put it online. If the Society was so concerned about making it available to the deaf, there were other ways of doing so. Instead, it was placed in a public forum where it could be viewed by anyone and easily misunderstood as happened here.

    That’s what I see wrong here. While the execution may have been flawless, the appearance was the result of very bad judgment, in my opinion. Besides, I do not believe it is the place of a religious organization to address a topic like this in its literature. Others have remarked on the inappropriateness of discussing sensitive topics with children present, and I think that would apply in this case to a non-ASL speaking readership/audience. The very nature of the topic under discussion would make an ASL-based presentation very offensive to many and for that reason is inappropriate. I hope this clarifies my thoughts.


  • 00DAD

    Quendi, as always a balanced and thoughtful comment and response.

    Did you see Lady Lee's comments a few pages back? She acknowledged that, while those ARE the ASL gestures for:

    • masturbation
    • fellatio
    • cunnilingus

    That there are alternative ways to sign them.

    Her comment was:

    "At least I never had to translate one of these parts and when these talks were given an elder (either my husband or another elder) spelled the word out instead of signing it. That would just be considered too graphic for the hall." - [Emphasis added]

    Just as I could say "masturbation" instead of "beating off" or " fellatio" instead of "blow-job", her point--if I understood it correctly--was that in a KH there are alternatives to even the conventional ASL that would be more appropriate considering the subject, the audience and the claimed purpose of the organization that produced this video.

    Heck, Iamallcool, said on page 2 of this thread:

    If you would notice at the 26 second mark, he said "pussy". Read his lips!

    You're right, many or most of us here are hyper-sensitive to the faults and flaws of the WTBTS. They made us that way.

    And that brings us full-circle. These jerks claim to represent the holy God Jehovah, but there are just so many things that belie that claim. This being just one more of them.


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