Anyone care to guess the age of this baptismal candidate?

by cedars 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Neither could I! ;-)

  • NVR2L8

    The youngest child baptized I am aware of was 6 years old...her mom and dad were missionaries in Africa and when the girl was born they moved back to Canada. They remained special pioneers and eventually the husband became a subtitue CO for a while then they moved to California where he studied to become a lawyer for the WT...I haven't heard from them after that move.

  • NVR2L8

    The youngest child baptized I am aware of was 6 years old...her mom and dad were missionaries in Africa and when the girl was born they moved back to Canada. They remained special pioneers and eventually the husband became a subtitue CO for a while then they moved to California where he studied to become a lawyer for the WT...I haven't heard from them after that move.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Baptism is no contract. It is an agreement at best. Contracts are legally enforceable promises. No court is going to have jurisdiction over an internal religious matter. Anyway, you can walk away whenever you want. Besides, I see no consideration on the part of the Witnesses. According to a long running thread, Armageddon still has not arrived.

    They don't believe in child baptism. Ha! I see children.

  • sseveninches

    I know exactly 0 people who hold their Bible like that.

    Anyway, he is probably 14 or maybe even younger...regardless, he's still too young. Heck, I was too young when I got baptized, which was at 14.

  • WTWizard

    Too low. When people get baptized in this unnatural religion, they are not given the real consequences beforehand. They are being expected to go against human nature. Once they are in, there are so many stupid rules with devastating consequences that no one can possibly stay faithful. If Ja Rule got disfellowshipped at age 12, that should say something.

    And, what happens when someone that is baptized at age 6 commits a "sin" at age 7 or 8? How are they genuinely repentant at that age? And, when they get disfellowshipped, that ruins the whole family situation. That "sin" could amount to nothing more serious than reciting the flag pledge or partaking of a birthday cupcake at school--a ruined life because of that? At least Satan doesn't expect anything like that, and He accepts you as you are. The only sin in Satanism is stupidity--meaning one is totally free to learn without impediments. Satanism and science work together. And Satanism allows you to enjoy your life. No threat of busting up your family if you make a mistake, let alone one that goes against human nature.

    I believe that, since these religions go so much against nature, they do not reveal all the requirements before baptism, the consequences of breaking the rules can be that severe, and their so-called example didn't get baptized until age 30, the minimum age of baptism should therefore be 30. Hey, if they are going to follow Jesus' example as they claim, I shall hold them to it.

  • kurtbethel

    He looks too young to commit to a lifelong marriage. H would certainly be too young to commit to an eternal relationship.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Too young to:

    • Drive
    • Vote
    • Drink alcohol
    • Take out a bank loan
    • Have sex
    • Get baptised


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Great Posts.......

    Yet he can Be A Head Of Household Remember Brothers and Sisters !!!! LOL

    And if he Masterbates.....well................... DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

    What did we get ourselves into LOL?????

  • Blind_Of_Lies

    Lets put it this way... Hes not yet old enough to be trusted and responsible enough to sit by himself or with his friends away from his parents during the convention but he certainly is old enough to dedicate the rest of his life to their cause. Sure. seems legit.

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