Anyone care to guess the age of this baptismal candidate?

by cedars 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • puffthedragon

    I'll take 13 & 1/2 for $500 Alex

  • blondie

    Thirteen give or take 6 months (could be tall for his age). I have seen reports of 6 year olds getting baptized as a jw........I know Samuel was 5 when he went to the temple but hey he was already dedicated and baptism was not a requirement.

  • Farkel

    :Anyone care to guess the age of this baptismal candidate?

    Too young, that's what. He should wait at least a dozen years before he puts himself into a position of getting screwed by the WTS.


  • 00DAD

    Too fucking young to make a "lifelong irrevocable contract".

    This brings up an interesting point. In the USA minors can unilaterally void a contract. Since the WTBS tries to assert that our baptism is a form of a contract it would stand to reason that anyone baptized as a minor has a legal out.

    They'd still probably get DF'd ... so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    Welcome to "The Happiest People on Earth" club. BTW, you can never leave!

  • sd-7

    13-15 years old, I should guess. It's all in the face. No hint of facial hair yet. I almost think those are his parents off to the right in the background--the noses are similar enough, and the subtlety of the photos the WTS uses makes it even more likely. The parents were clearly nudging him ever-so-nicely towards it, what with becoming homeless the minute he turns 18 otherwise.


  • Farkel


    : In the USA minors can unilaterally void a contract. Since the WTBS tries to assert that our baptism is a form of a contract it would stand to reason that anyone baptized as a minor has a legal out.

    Actually, in the USA any contract entered into by a minor is unenforceable.


  • Nambo

    Trick question!

    You only have to compare the faces of the three in the front with the rest of the attendees to see they are stuffed.

    Taxidermists never seem to get the mouth expression realistic, and those glass eyes are a real giveaway.

  • Botzwana

    Are we being true to our yes? Well if you Brooklyn guys had told us the ENTIRE truth then we could have weighed our options. Instead we had to find out from Raymond Franz!!!

  • donuthole

    Watchtower Legal insists that even if you were baptized as a minor, your continued indentification and participation as one of "Jehovah's Witnesses" thereafter validates the initial contract. Not sure how this would apply to someone who got disfellowshipped before they turned 18.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I say 14.

    Sister to his left is white-hot. Sorry, couldn't ignore that part of the picture.....

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