Best diet for a Diabetic.

by Quarterback 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    I was prescribed Januvia recently.

    I'm taking Januvia as well. One in the morning along with 2 metformins. I take 2 more metformins with my dinner as well. I find the Januvia is my most expensive drug, and has the least impact on my readings.


  • jgnat

    Yeah, I had a GREAT health plan when I was a civil servant. All diabetic supplies were covered 100%

    Makes sense.

    Can't have employees fainting in diabetic shock.

  • Quarterback

    Jgnat: Are you retired from the Civil Service? Don't you have a retirement drug plan?

    Januvia is a new recent discovered drug, and that is why it is expensive. After a few years, the Drug Manufacturer has to publish the formula, and then a generic form will be introduced according to government regulations.

    But, Januvia doesn't have that much of a success rate.

  • Finally-Free

    My doctor has suggested going on the needles a couple of times, but so far I've been resistent to the idea. I may not have a choice though. Lately my fasting BG level is around 13.5 mmol/l in the morning, about twice what it should be. Today was a good day. It was 12.1.



    Rye Bread is highly recommended so do vegetables. So I had to repeat it. I find the other posts very helpful too. Never eat out, never buy ready/prepared food. Cook yourself from raw/fresh material. We had a case with pregnancy diabetes and was controlled 100% with proper diet. The diabetologist show us only once and besides the diet he told us to buy the needles as they would be needed. We didn't visit him again. Our gynaecologist was shocked and was worried for the health of the fetus when I told him that no diatetologist was following my wife. I said I was the one monitoring her and he replied that he wouldn't be doing that for his wife even though he was a doctor. But he was more surprised and couldn't believe his eyes when he show the table with the sugar levels. And our baby was not born overweight even though other babies of relatives of my wife (with same hereditary problem) were born overweight.

  • jgnat

    Not to worry, Quarterback. I'm back on a great plan.

    Finally free, I hear that the needle works like STINK to get the sugars under control.

    My numbers are highest in the morning, too. Which doesn't seem to make sense since we've been fasting for eight hours or longer. Here's news. The liver, when blood sugar drops, pumps out sugar to regulate. Except we don't have the regulator switch, of course. Some of us have overeager livers. I talked to a dietitian about it, and she agreed it could be the liver. She suggested a small snack at bedtime with the last Metformin. Give that a try and see if it does the trick.

  • Finally-Free
    She suggested a small snack at bedtime with the last Metformin. Give that a try and see if it does the trick.

    I'm going to try that. My doctor told me to eat dinner before 6 PM, and absolutely no snacks after 8 PM. Only water. It made little sense to me to go that long without eating every day, but then she gives me hell if I tell her I skipped lunch just once. I don't make a practice of skipping lunch, but I see little reason to eat if I'm not hungry, especially since I'm overweight.

    For a while I was taking a chromium supplement and it seemed to help with the high spikes, so I may try that again.


  • jgnat

    Eating at Night Myth Exploded - send this to your doctor.

  • talesin

    jgnat - I've been eating a snack of protein at bedtime for a while, and people think I'm nuts. Glad you brought that up, and ditto everything else you said.

    For years now, I no longer feel sick when I get up in the morning, and can have fruit & yoghurt on rising. It has made all the difference.

  • arwen

    I am Type 2 Diabetic as well..ten years or 16 years.. just started on a needle of a medication called Victoza.. once a day. I also take Levimir in a needle at night. and metformin 1000mg twice a day. Victoza is a relatively new medication and I have had good sucess with it also it does have side effects of nausea and no appetite. I have lost 20 pounds taking it. and blood sugars and pretty good most of the time.. Exercise is my downfall.. just not motivated..

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