Best diet for a Diabetic.

by Quarterback 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    By the way, controlling diabetes is rewarding in that you can defer the bad side effects of the disease indefinitely. By controlling your caloric intake. I have lived with this diagnosis for years. My energy levels are better. Though I have not managed to lose weight, my A1C numbers also have stayed in range.

  • mouthy

    I also have type two.My son had brittle diabetis,(died at 46)
    I eat lots of fruit, nuts I love candy! eat lots.... I dont feel like eating ever. but I do...little bits

    But then I want to "kick the bucket" so dont listen to me

  • Quarterback


    L-Cool: Good link, and there is sugar in a lot of food.

    Tal: Good advice....but, I thought you were going to tell me to smoke MJ.

    Empty: Appreciate your comments, and this is also a family problem for me too

    BOTR: I shall look at the book you recommended. Wow..a lunch out is $30.00? What retaurants do you go to?

    Jg: Great idea ....the plate is informative

    Mouthy: You shouldn't want to kick the bucket. Life is worth living....thanks for your expression.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    What type of restaurant serves a lean meat with vegetables? Most restaurants here serve mediocre cuts of meat and swamp them with sauces. I always ate at moderate priced ethnic restaurants in NY until the diabetes. Changing the home diet was not hard. I don't live in a healthy area. People describe my area as restaurant hell. There are few true restaurants. What is more the money I do spend here infuriates me b/c the food quality is so poor for the money.

    One suggestion is to order a sandwich and not eat the bread. When I tried this eating out, there was so little protein inside that I was very hungry and refused to pay anymore. I used to eat lunch at very nice grills but someone else was paying.

    I already suffered a devastating illness so the diabetes diagnosis did not freak me out. Once you learn the basics, it is not hard. You can adjust the diet, depending on your A1C levels. Many people post at the ADA that they want to die. There is a wide range of diabetes numbers. I was able to get away with much.

    I love dining out out true restaurants with linens and good service. Someplace with a wine list. I hate throwing away money here.

  • Iamallcool

    BOR, you can eat Rye Bread, one of the lowest carb breads, it is not exactly sugar free, but it is better than nothing. There are other low carb breads out there too.

  • Finally-Free

    I haven't had much luck controlling mine in the past year. The medications aren't working as well as they used to. I control the carbs pretty well, but exercise is difficult because I've had too many injuries in the past and they keep coming back to haunt me. Yes, even walking, because sometimes my knees or right ankle give out on me and I'm flat on my face on the sidewalk. Being unemployed for the last 8 months doesn't help since all my medications add up to about $400 every month. Unless I find work in the next 2 months I won't be able to keep up with the cost of meds.

    I might be better off scrapping the pills and just eat a tub of ice cream every day. At least I'll die happy.


  • jgnat

    Here's a restaurant tip. Most meals here in Canada are double what you need. So order your meal and ask for a take-out container as soon as your meal is delivered. Pack up half the meal.

    Don't ask for half a meal because they always get it wrong. Don't ask for the take-out container until AFTER you are served or your whole meal may come that way!

    Based on the restaurant meals I saw in the US, you may want to put away three-quarters of the dinner for later.

  • Quarterback

    Finally Free: Apply for the Trillium, or Ontario Drug Benefits Program. This will assist you with your med's.

    BOTR: I live in an area with good restaurants, but not where I work. I am surrounded with Junk food restaurants and only one hour for lunch. I know that I should bring a lunch, but, I'm not disciplined enough to do that. I know the nice wine list, and fine linens are hard to beat.

    L-Cool: I love that rye bread, but, I love Crown Royal rye better.

  • Finally-Free
    Apply for the Trillium, or Ontario Drug Benefits Program. This will assist you with your med's.

    I'll have to look in to that. Funny, I worked for the Ontario Liberals for nearly 11 years and I never heard of it until now. I was probably too busy reading their 'message of the day", "talking points", and other propaganda. Bloody political cult...


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was prescribed Januvia recently. The price is unbelievable. I assumed I earned too much under Merck's indigent plan. It turns out that I qualified but b/c I had health insurance drug coverage I was ineligible. Right now I am waiting for them to decide if they will give me an exemption to the plan.

    I rarely qualify for benefits. Some programs have generous allowances, though.

    It would make sense for the govt or someone to underwrite the prescriptions for diabetes. Controlling it now is so much cheaper than waiting for complications later.

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