Website by MODERATE JWs who recognize issues with the religion

by Hermano 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hermano

    Rutherford "Reformed" the org. from Russel. 1980 was a big reform at Bethel. How do you like the changes ?

    Balamsass, didn't Rutherford stage a coup which is how he got the reigns? If one single person was able to do it, then doesn't that show that it can be done?

    1980 is another great example. The fact that they had to purge all those people shows there's a moderate element within the religion.

  • Hermano
    Moderation, reform, change, these are things this religion/cult isn't remotely interested in.

    Quendi I'm not sure about that. I suppose if we could survey a significant sample of JWs we might actually determine that. Or by "religion/cult" do you mean the leadership?

  • Hermano
    Maybe the reform site could be a start for some dipping a toe in the waters of the Internet

    That's a good idea Phizzy. This site is great, but it may scare some away. The reform site might just open up their eyes enough to start searching for answers.

  • Hermano
    My young Sister and her Husband (20 and 23yrs old) are fake/very moderate witlesses, they celebrate birthdays and xmas with my other sister who is no longer active. They regularly drink to excess, have only worldly friends and swear like troopers.
    They disagree with a number of doctrines yet still they stay in, getting to most meetings, minimum preaching effort and also giving talks.
    My Sis is trying to make Mum and Dad happy and is still afraid of armaggedon. My Bro in law has no family 'in' anymore and doesnt believe that only JWs will get through armageddon.
    They are still stuck in the stupid cult but at least they have started to move away from it by their actions.

    Excellent Jemba. I'll take that as oppose to an ubber Witness any day.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    At first glance, it appears this is more of a one-man "soap box" initiative than a broad-based call for reform by a multitude of conscientious JWs.

  • blondie

    Hermano, the WT organization was small back in Rutherford's day, small in numbers and legal organization and had been shook by Russell's death in 1916 and the 1918 arrest of the board of directors. Rutherford had been the legal counsel for some time. There was no GB only a board of directors. There are many corporations now and the GB is not a corporate entity. The situation then and the one now are very different and it would take more than one strong personality and few supporters to do what Rutherford did at that time.

  • AnnOMaly

    I used to be a 'moderate JW.' Now I'm a 'moderate heretic.'

    I'm sure I've bumped into the jwreform guy on forums in the past. Can't remember the name he goes by. Maybe he's a member here. The site is a half-way house while he's in the process of working through stuff (his own reform). Reform of the Org is a vain hope. How does that Scripture go? "What is crooked cannot be made straight"?

  • Hermano

    it appears this is more of a one-man "soap box" initiative than a broad-based call for reform by a multitude of conscientious JWs

    Room 215, There is a petition with some "signatures." Every movement's got to start somewhere.

  • Hermano
    The situation then and the one now are very different and it would take more than one strong personality and few supporters to do what Rutherford did at that time.

    Thanks for the feedback, blondie. Maybe with the sexual abuse scandal and the slow growth rate conditions will be conducive to change again? Even if the leadership will not tolerate change, perhaps it could lead to an increase in exodus or a high level operative (such as Raymond Franz) leaving and further exposing what's going on in the tower.

  • Hermano
    I used to be a 'moderate JW.' Now I'm a 'moderate heretic.'

    Sounds like a success story, AnnOMaly. Perhaps for many "moderate" is the way out. If so, wouldn't it makes sense to foster "moderate" JWs?

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