Website by MODERATE JWs who recognize issues with the religion

by Hermano 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hermano

    Robert King isn't 'moderate'. He is pro JW, but thinks the Governing Body is wrong where it doesn't agree with him.

    Black Sheep, maybe that's not so much a matter of moderation and more about mental illness.

  • Quendi

    As far as I'm concerned, efforts to reform the WTS will come to naught. These words from the book of Jeremiah apply to the organizaton and any reforms it will make: "Can a [black man] change his skin or a leopard its spots? You yourselves would also be able to do good, who are persons taught to do bad." --Jeremiah 13:23

    Moderation, reform, change, these are things this religion/cult isn't remotely interested in. I have seen what it has done to those who question its tenets in even the mildest form. First they are ignored, but if they persist, then they are reproved, reprimanded, and finally exiled and ostracized. So-called moderates are wasting their time, energy and efforts in creating a new climate and culture among Jehovah's Witnesses because this organization isn't interested in doing the right thing any more than Jeremiah's contemporaries were.

    I don't doubt the sincerity of would-be WTS reformers, but I think there is one very important fact they should bear in mind. Jehovah has not been, is not now, nor will ever be the backer of this organization. It has never had the direction of his holy spirit and never will, so any changes made will only be cosmetic ones and not the kind that will make a real difference and work good for everyone.

    Jeremiah's contemporaries paid no attention to him and his message. Today's Governing Body will do likewise to those who are asking for changes to be made. They have the reins of power and control in their hands. Any significant and meaningful reform would mean they would have to surrender those reins, and they'd rather die and rot in Gehenna's basement before they allow that to happen. My advice to moderates is to get out of this organization and find their real lives outside it. They'll be much better off if they do.


  • Knowsnothing

    From the site:

    Therefore, like faithful servants of God in times past, our people feel it is their duty before Jehovah to speak up and speak out when the need arises. As did the Lord Jesus himself, we do not look the other way when we see any injustice done to God's people.

    We strongly believe that the religious leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses will receive a heavy judgment from Jehovah if they continue on their present course with regard to these matters. It is time for change. It is our hope and our faith that through the voice of his people, Jehovah will see to it that matters are set straight.

    My comment:

    There is no such thing as a reform movement in a cult. Even if they succeeded in toppling the powers that be, they in turn would take that position and soon start the same cycle over again. Prophecy would now be interpreted as having been fulfilled in them, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

    In fact, I'd say the whole 'Protestant' movement helped create a lot of different cults and that the mother cult is Christianity itself.

    TL;DR Successful cults are successful.

  • Balaamsass

    Rutherford "Reformed" the org. from Russel. 1980 was a big reform at Bethel. How do you like the changes ?

  • kurtbethel

    The temple ceremony has changed in many ways (also for example there was a lot of nekkid touching in the temple that has now been droped ;) )

    So that is supposed to be some kind of improvement?

  • Qcmbr

    Kurt - oh yes. Old people doing the touching. Bleugggh.

  • Phizzy

    You cannot polish a turd, and even if you could, it would still be a turd.

    I was like Robert7 a moderate whose dissonance built up till I simply had to leave.

    Maybe the reform site could be a start for some dipping a toe in the waters of the Internet, I still think it preferable that such ones find this site first.

    Reform the WT as much as you like, it is still a publishing/real estate scam run for profit and simply posing as a religion.

    Still a steaming, stinking, turd.

  • jemba

    My young Sister and her Husband (20 and 23yrs old) are fake/very moderate witlesses, they celebrate birthdays and xmas with my other sister who is no longer active. They regularly drink to excess, have only worldly friends and swear like troopers.

    They disagree with a number of doctrines yet still they stay in, getting to most meetings, minimum preaching effort and also giving talks.

    My Sis is trying to make Mum and Dad happy and is still afraid of armaggedon. My Bro in law has no family 'in' anymore and doesnt believe that only JWs will get through armageddon.

    They are still stuck in the stupid cult but at least they have started to move away from it by their actions.

    Lets hope they start to research the net and see TTATT.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    They think reform on 'organisational idolatry' is more important than reform on the blood policy. ?

  • Fernando

    Become a progressive cult?!

    That's about as far as can possibly ever get.

    Religious organisations cannot reform, since God does not use or need them - although some of his children at times do find themselves there for a season.

    God is all about dealing direct, individual and personal.

    Religion leads us to religionists. The gospel leads us to God instead.

    That having been said, these reform websites can sometimes be useful halfway houses for those not yet fully ready to see the WBTS for what it really is.

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