Facebook Comments From JWs About Kendrick Case

by cofty 78 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Matsimus

    "I dont undastand why this was posted. Judicial matters in Jehovah's organization are never handled this way, i have a strong feeling this post was made by wolves in sheep clothing. Besides we all should remember that: "when a person states his case, it seems true until the other person begins to cross-examine him "."

    I loved this comment! Of course judicial matters are perfect, aren't they? :D:D:D

  • shamus100

    I dont undastand why this was posted.

    Ooooh, sounds like someone who was home-schooled is beginning the pangs of denial. DENIAL!! HERE IT COMES!!!

  • scary21

    When I read their comments, you can see how they believe Jehovah and the organisation are the same. They sure do worship their god " the organisation " Don't they ?

  • panhandlegirl

    Sandra Arellano I think it's really sad that people are vilifying and calling her a liar without knowing her. People that are capable of evil acts are everywhere. And Reese, just do a search for settlements involving the catholic church. They have paid 100's of millions of dollars to sexually abused victims. I agree that it is not the responsibility of the society but too attack her is not right. Everyone will have to answer for their sins. 16 hours ago · Unlike · 9 Now this woman shows some sense.

  • Jeffro

    I dont undastand why this was posted.

    Gee, what a surprise, genius.

  • AnnOMaly

    panhandlegirl - You need to see the twinkle in Bob Evans' eye. Our paths have crossed in the past so I kinda know him.

  • EmptyInside

    I told my mother. She agreed with the verdict,a hardcore Witness. But,in the next breath,she said it is still Jehovah's organization,it's still the truth. Then,she changed the subject looking at a clothes catalog.

  • panhandlegirl


    OH! How clever! Love it!

  • okage

    said it before. notice how no one once mentioned jehovah. they mention the organization and the elders. but apparently people are lying about jehovah and blaspheming him.

    they worship the organization. they believe the organization is god. damn lunatics.

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