Facebook Comments From JWs About Kendrick Case

by cofty 78 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • palmtree67

    It's the inability to spell that gets to me......

  • blindnomore

    Yeh, It's been only 5 months since I awoke. That explains my bad spelling and grammer grammar. I am getting better and brighter everyday.

  • Iamallcool

    cofty, I want the direct link, you can send me PM. Thanks!

  • shamus100

    That's grammar, not grammer. ;)

  • cofty

    Here is the link.

    Looks like I killed their thread when I posted a link to the court documents. The whole thread has been pulled.

    EDIT - No its still there, I'm just not used to the Facebook timeline yet.

  • baltar447

    WOW. It's like the only JWs that post on that page are boderline retarded.

  • baltar447

    And that's an offense to the mentally retarded.

  • sooner7nc


    I think I'll add this to the Urban Dictionary with the following definition...


    transitive verb: blasfame, blasfaming

    1. When you're a fucking idiot Jehovah's Witness.

    2. See 1.

  • cofty

    New comment...

    Hey brothers and sisters !! We all need to calm down. As far as I know anytime anyone has been suspect we have always turned them into the police. I am going out in service tomorrow to hand out invites to our district convention and do what I love that is talking to people about Jehovah, his purpose, and how we can have a happy life in these critical times hard to deal with. We all need to pray about the matter. All the questions will be answered in court, Jehovah will take care of it. This is not the first time incorrect judgements have been brought upon us. I do not wish any harm to the woman or to the man in this case. We need to remain positive and focus on upbuilding conversation. Of course we will have questions like why did her parents not tell the police, in fact where were her parents at the time again these are questions that will be answered.

  • baltar447

    I see what you did there crafty. I mean cofty

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