Christian Apologists - Please Watch This and Tell Us Why it is wrong?

by cantleave 834 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gothicus

    The assumption that gaps in scientific knowledge automatically prove that God exists and acts is a fallacious argument from ignorance. Numerous natural phenomena once attributed to divine intervention have been successfully explained through scientific inquiry. The lack of an absolutely definite answer to the origin of life does not prove that God created life. As more evidence is uncovered, we will likely develop a better understanding of how life originated.

  • NewChapter

    Exactly Goth. And we've really only been at this for a very short time. The more answers we find, the more questions we have, and it's exhilarating. But every question ever answered has turned out to not be a god. We just keep pushing ahead.

  • sabastious
    The assumption that gaps in scientific knowledge automatically prove that God exists and acts is a fallacious argument from ignorance.

    Assuming the assumption of another is the real fallacy. The video doesn't prove God's existence, but it shows that science cannot prove the non existence of God. The atheists set out on a fools errand they second the decided to try to proof a negative. Therefore the "God" that is portrayed in the OP's video is just an atheist creation that is used to base a false argument upon.


  • InterestedOne

    Sab wrote:

    the "God" that is portrayed in the OP's video is just an atheist creation

    I think it is a *theist* creation. The God in the OP's video is a summary of the things theists say when people observe their surroundings and ask questions about God like the angel does in the video. An innocent woman gets beat up (something that does happen in reality). God does not stop the abuse from occurring (something that also does happen in reality). An observer, like the angel, asks why God does not rescue her. The God in the video repeats common answers from believers such as "God does not violate free will" or that "he works in mysterious ways." The message I get from the video is that God's behavior does not make sense. Even the not-making-sense aspect of God's behavior is answered by believers by defining God to be all-wise. His wisdom is higher than our wisdom, so his behavior does not have to make sense to humans. An all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-wise God that we observe not physically stopping abuse from happening, as we see from our surroundings, is not an atheist creation.

  • NewChapter
  • NewChapter

    Arrrghhhh. IE9

    I think I said:

    Wait a minute. Atheists don't create gods---that's the realm of believers. We are simply analyzing their creation. Asking it some questions. This is god according to beleivers: He is all powerful, but will not help. He is all wise, but will not share the answers. He provides, but children starve to death. He heals, but people die of horrific diseases. And why does he hold back all this power and wisdom? To teach us the lesson that he is powerful and wise and that we kick each other's asses. yes--he proves his power by not using it. I know that seems backwards, but we must take in the wisdom part of it. How could we ever understand?

    Now If I as an atheist WERE to create a god, it would be a whole lot more interesting.


  • sabastious
    I think it is a *theist* creation. The God in the OP's video is a summary of the things theists say when people observe their surroundings and ask questions about God like the angel does in the video. An innocent woman gets beat up (something that does happen in reality). God does not stop the abuse from occurring (something that also does happen in reality). An observer, like the angel, asks why God does not rescue her. The God in the video repeats common answers from believers such as "God does not violate free will" or that "he works in mysterious ways." The message I get from the video is that God's behavior does not make sense. Even the not-making-sense aspect of God's behavior is answered by believers by defining God to be all-wise. His wisdom is higher than our wisdom, so his behavior does not have to make sense to humans. An all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-wise God that we observe not physically stopping abuse from happening, as we see from our surroundings, is not an atheist creation.

    The creator of the video has never seen God nor an angel, but still feels perfectly adequate presenting them in extremely specific context. This is a mistake and a fallacy. In a God theory you start from the beginning and work forward in time. You don't jump in the middle and start refuting facts and setting up your own circumstances. The video is not honest and has a clear agenda. Science cannot explain God so they cop out and say he doesn't exist.


  • sabastious
    We are simply analyzing their creation.

    First, you have to prove that God is a creation of man, which is impossible because science is not complete (God can always fit in the gaps of science). You are jumping to conclusions and have a clear agenda. I do wonder why you spend so much time refuting a non existent entity. You should spend more time brushing dirt off of ancient ruins and less time trying to prove a negative.


  • NewChapter

    I do wonder why you spend so much time refuting a non existent entity

    Cuz it's fun as long as someone is trying to prove a non existent entity. And because god DOES exist---if only in the minds of the believers and that affects ME. Such a notion has stunted humankinds progress, and only by challenging it do we move forward. This notion has subjugated women, African Americans, homosexuals, Native Americans, and anyone that is 'other'. It has led to the colonization of nations, and therefore, their subjuation. It threatens science in the classroom, and equal rights in the state houses. It drives policy.

    To allow such a toxic idea to go unchallenged would be completely irresponsible. Many will never be convinced, but there are those struggling with their reason and their belief, and they too are reading. The more secularism we can inject into the process, the better off we will all be. So I'm interested in this god.

    And I'm here to tell those who have doubts that they are not alone, they are not defective, and they are not sinners. The notion of sin is toxic too. There are actions and consequences, but no otherworldly being judging your heart. Sometimes morality must be adjusted to fit new times and situations, and what worked in the bronze age will not work today.


  • NewChapter

    First, you have to prove that God is a creation of man, which is impossible because science is not complete (God can always fit in the gaps of science).

    First you prove that unicorns are a creation of man. For that matter, first you prove that everything possible for which there is no evidence really doesn't exist, and then I'll set about disproving your negative.

    Science has gaps, therefore you think those gaps can be filled in with anything you wish: god, aliens, angels, The Force, broccoli.

    You can't prove that we are not a product of broccoli, therefore, this theory is just as valid as the god theory.


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