Is the WTS and the JW's going to collapse in 2014?

by braincleaned 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • outsmartthesystem

    2014 will mean virtually nothing. The borg has already begun training the next generation of witnesses to live as though the end is close......but at the same time......preparing them in case it doesn't come during their lifetime. By extending the "generation" definition.....they've easily bought themselves decades upon decades of time in the future. Diehards like my father in law have already digested the new definition of "generation" and are at peace that the "end" will likely not occur within their lifetimes. Thus the older ones are preparing both themselves and the younger generation to 1) accept that those over 50 years of age may not see the end and 2) accept that those UNDER 50 probably WILL see the "end".

    This will continue until the baby boomers die off. Then GB 3.0 will come up with a new interpretation that will delay the Big A even further. That's when my generation will pick up the slack and accept that we are all going to die.....but there is HOPE that OUR children will see the Big A.

    All it takes is a minor tweaking here or there and it will become a perpetual thing.

  • Finkelstein

    All it takes is a minor tweaking here or there and it will become a perpetual thing.

    Oh sure the WTS. can always jump back and reiterate the signs of the end times BS.

    There will always be earthquakes, lawlessness, famine wars etc. etc.

    And say, see this was prophesied in the bible, we certainly must be living in the end times spoken in the bible.

    The WTS. never really perceived their followers to be intellectually bright or well educated.

  • jgnat

    So here's my cue to comments, is the WTS and the JW's going to collapse in 2014...

    I could see a slow fade, or a morphing of the organization to one bringing paradise to earth, claiming to have begun the thousand year reign. They could point to the life-exending technologies as "proof" that we have entered a generation with "eternal life", more verses will be given the "quote" treatment and the "happifying" religion will go on.

    wha happened? - " I'd like to see this organization disapear sooner than later, but there is still one born everyday." My estimate that those permanently vulnerable to the message make up about 1% of the population. This proved out when we moved to a small town. Yup, approximately 1% of the local population are Jehovah's Witnesses. They don't make much of a congregation. By comparison, my new friend says that gays consistently make up 10% of the population (out here in booniesville firmly enconsed in the closet), and left-handed, a consistent 13%.

    There are more lefties than there are Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Sorry no collapse.

    They're the mighty Morphin' Power Jayhoovers, they can transform into anything that gets the money to fall out of your wallet.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    some people feel the need to be led around. Some are less particular than others

  • shepherd

    They may point to Genesis and that the warning for the flood was given 120 years before. That buys them another 20 years, by which time they will have decided it began when JW's got their new name, gaining them a further 20 years and so on and so on. Most JW's are so conditioned they will hardly blink at any new explanation. Doubting the GB is tantamount to rebelling against Jehovah, after all :)

  • Fernando

    "If Pastor Russell died in 1916 howcome he did not know that Jesus started ruling in 1914?"

    (sorry don't recall the source - JWFacts?)

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    This perpetrated fraud doctrine of the generation of 1914 makes the JW religion similar to holding a bad stock. People hold onto it while it slowly declines thinking that it will bounce back and prove to be a good investment. After it tanks further people feel they have no choice but to hang onto it and hope they will see it come back. Next thing you know the stock is bankrupt and their hopes dashed to pieces. The smart ones take their losses earlier and move on with life.

    Think About It

  • scotoma

    The memorial in 2014 will be accompanied by an eclipse of the moon. This is known as a blood moon.

    The memorial in 2015 will also be accompanied by an eclipse of the moon. This is bound to create speculation and anticipation.

    Acts 2:19 "And I will give portents in heaven above and signs on earth below, blood and fire and smoke mist; the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and illustrious day of Jehovah arrives." To be sure the Watchtower won't call any attention to a possible significance. They can't risk another false alarm.

    But, imagine the chatter when people come out of their kingdom halls and the moon is a creepy red. "What does it mean? Is it a sign?" Then someone says "It's supposed to happen again on memorial night next year (2015)". There is bound to be speculation and intense anticipation. When nothing happens many will be disappointed.

  • diamondiiz

    After 2014 there will be a little more eyes opened but there won't be any exodus happening. We'll probably see more people join jwn then. If wts dropped 1914 I would guess they would lose maybe 20% and the other 80% would carry on with the decline being more apparant.

    I thought they would drop 1914 as it was being mentioned less and less over the last decade but then the morons came out with 607 articles which only confirms they will keep 1914 for longer. In fact they are emphasizing 607 more than they had been for a long time.

    The only way wts will collapse is from within but it may be they will just began to decline and slowly fade into obscurity just like bible students are today.

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