Is the WTS and the JW's going to collapse in 2014?

by braincleaned 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    "Collapse" is a very strong word. It's a worldwide religious publishing corporation. It won't simply "collapse" overnight. However, I do believe it will continue its decline and shrink to almost inconsequential size as an organization over the next few decades. Instead of worldwide branches, maybe just one compound in upstate NY will be left pulling whatever strings are left to pull. It will certainly take a bit longer than just 2 years for this to happen, but as I've discussed extensively, the long term future doesn't look bright for the WTS. It has a massive leach on its leg called "the internet" sucking it dry, and a time bomb strapped to its back called 1914. It may take a while, but I say, sit back and watch it flounder.


  • Gayle

    Different than 1925 and 1975, is the Internet and more cash flow issues, and already down-sizing issues.

    Most old JWs will remain, of course. But I don't care about them, sorry. "Made their bed, have to sleep in it." Sorry - truly I do hope their kids will be forgiving and take care of them. (I'm 'young-old' so I can say that).

    It's the young JWs and possible converts that I hope will spot a spiritual turbulence or a crisis of conscience. I hope their natural inquisitiveness will spark them to the Internet. Anyway, the WTS needs the young to build all their buildings and take on WTS work; old people, if they're sickly and broke, lose their real value to the WTS/organization.

    Well, time will tell, but it is interesting to watch. At least the glacier is melting more quickly and it is peacefully, awesome to watch.

  • therevealer

    Have any of you commenting on this been active when the articles around 1975 made statements to the effect that "no need for schoolin, cuz the kids won't need it in the new system which will be here before they are old enough to use it". The whole 75 debacle is and has been denied to have been what the truth of the matter has shown it to be. And because they came out with their condemnation of the "some" who were the true culprits by going beyond what was written (no, not in the bible LOL, in the tower) die hards can continue to deny it ever happened. But I have personaly witnessed those who are/were quite "strong" in the truth having a good laugh about direct qoutes to the effect that their children or those of other parents born in that time period would never see kindergarten/school before the end. And this type of acceptance is not isolated to that, but for me stands out because I was in that category.

  • MyLastDays

    I agree with Cedars. With so many failed prophecies in the past like "1975" information control was the WTS best weapon. The internet is their worst enemy.

  • baltar447

    Growing up, my parents would say "you will never attend school". Guess what? I attended school.

    Next was, "You'll never graduate", and, "You'll never get married in this system". Guess what? Did both.

    My parents did try to get me to get at least SOME college but I ended up learning a trade and then learning a different one which I'm doing now. I have to give them credit for at least trying to get me some additional education.

    They lived past 1975 and then into the 90s where it seems they became much more pragmatic about planning ahead.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The society isn't downsizing everything -- meetings, mags, real estate, etc. . . -- because everything is going peachy and the prospects are bright. They see it coming. And it's not Armageddon.

  • bennyk

    "Collapse"? No.

    "Not with a bang, but a whimper."

    And not in 2014. Very few would jettison everything so quickly. However, I would expect the rate of decline in numbers of affiliates in the West to accelerate, perhaps beginning 2016/2017.

  • wisdomfrombelow

    People want to believe that they can live without dying, they can grown younger and healthier instead of older and sicker. That is a powerful drug. As long as people keep wanting the fantasy that they provide, they will find a way to ignore the facts.

  • transhuman68

    Facts don't really matter to a religion. It is all about fellowship & belief. 2014 will just be another nail in the coffin for the WTS, but not the end of the line.

  • baltar447

    To quote the sage wisdom of homer simpson:

    Facts are meaningless - you could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!

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