I too have been charged with apostasy! Stunned.

by FinchAndWeston 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • shepherd

    Follow my ex FIL's example and say they are not Xmas lights at all, but part of your wedding anniversary celebrations. He had it all worked out for years, having got married on Dec 26. Turkey, gifts, decorations and even Xmas Crackers. And he was also the PO at the time....a complete bast@rd...

  • MidwichCuckoo
    I assumed it was the lights ... I usually take them down every spring but this year I said, ah, to hell with it.

    Then they can't be deemed 'Christmas Lights', as they would have been taken down by 12th (?) night. I once had two elders on my doorstep a few weeks after Christmas accusing me of celebrating Christmas (the irony was, I didn't celebrate - although I'd stopped going to meetings, I hadn't returned to a 'Worldly' lifestyle - these things take time). Anyhow, it turned out someone from my former Hall had made a complaint against me. It was someone I never mixed with and never saw (so totally fabricated)...

    ...anyway, the two elders came in, and had a good look around and questioned me. I had been given a Christmas present prior to Christmas which I had left unopened (I just couldn't be bothered to open it frankly), and I showed them and one said 'Oh, you can open it now as 12 days have passed'.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Finch I read one of Marvin Shilmers letters from some lawyer, in his letter to the Society, he noted "He did not find the congregation a warm and loving place, he slaved thirty of his best years for the Organization. One example of the madness was the rumor he had to follow up on some older sister, who had not attended meetings for seven-eight years and a rumor of lewd conduct was brought against this female caregiving worker.

    She said "I have not attended meetings in (Seven or Eight Years) almost a decade, you never came looking for me, left me out to hang, but you now show up and are trying to judge me wicked? She was judged by some busy body woman or man of adultry, without proof, how is that for Love? How is that for being a Fine Shepperd who watches his sheep run off cliffs, while drinking their beers and vodka, toasting each other for a job well done?

  • biometrics

    Was it New Light?

  • jemba

    Great letters Black Sheep and Oppostate. Im keeping them for further reference. Its true isnt it. Youre on youre own as a fader until you do one little 'worldly' thing and then youre under their radar - not to try and rescue the sheep but to crucify it.

    Tommorow my little boy wants to march in the ANZAC day parade for fallen soldiers - he gets to represent a soldier who died almost 100 years ago for our freedom. He listened to the speech by a returned soldier from WWII and decided by himself that he would like to march. Of course Hubby and I have agreed but it has huge implications for us with the JWs. It will be in the local paper and school newsletter and probably the on the TV news, we live in a small town and the parade finishes in a local park where the caretaker is a JW. They will literally line up on his front lawn for photos. So this thread is perfect for our situation in coming weeks. I'd be happy to say 'to hell with them all' if not for my parents and siblings being 'in' still. Then when we get home we have a big 16th birthday planned for our other child. Wont the elders get a shock if they pop around unannounced like they usually do.

  • Chariklo

    Black Sheep, I think you are a genius, in respect of your legal sounding letter.

    Deep respect.

    It articulates responses that I tried to make but failed, even in my limited, as yet unbaptised, position with them, as I was accused of having done certain "bad" things, unspecified, substance and details unknown, on evidence unknown supplied by persons or person unknown. When I asked what I was accused of, what i was supposed to have done or said, and who had complained, all I got was "oh no, we're not going to tell you that!"

    But in respect of FinchandWeston, coloured lights? Yup. Even I know that's apostasy!

    But why care? You don't want anything to do with them, do you? What's apostasy, after all? it is only just not agreeing with what they say that the Bible says. Since they are liars and hypocrites, as well as bullies, you can just turn your back on them and walk away.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    It doesn't matter if you've been MIA for a few years. If an elder drove by or someone else snitched you off, the elders HAVE TO act on what they saw or what someone accused you of.

    Don't go to the JC......screen your phone calls........and watch your front door........you may even want to send your DA letter certified......go out on your terms. And if it comes down to where you're face to face......lie your ass off.....screw them...again go out on your terms....

    My best you and your wife

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Black Sheep, I think you are a genius...

    That wasn't mine. I found it by searching this site.

    The search function is genius...

  • Black Sheep
  • Alfred

    I put up Christmas lights in my backyard (visible from the front of the house) in May of last year... they've been on every night ever since... my wife likes it and that's all that matters to me.

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