I too have been charged with apostasy! Stunned.

by FinchAndWeston 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    when was the last time you had anything to do with a JW on a social or family level?

  • FinchAndWeston

    the impact of a DA, DF or A for me is minimal collateral damage. I don't socialize with anyone in the congo. most of my family is out. i don't care about the DA, DF or A. I just don't want to give them the pleasure of slapping me with the A label. It's a personal thing.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I doubt you'll escape the apostate label by DAing.

    If you are going to send a letter, don't send it to the Elders. If you do, they'll just biff it in the trash and the congregation will never know what was in it.

    Send it to everyone except the Elders.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I hear ya on that. My opinion is that if I write a letter in response, or a DA letter, I empower them. But that's just me

  • FinchAndWeston

    Black Sheep, you are a great source of info! Thanks.

    Guys, I'm writing my DA letter now. It's so therapeutic ... liberating, and dare to say *fun* gasp ...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok cool.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Yeah you won't be able to escape a label of "Apostate" when you write a DA letter. Leaving the organization formally constitutes apostasy, period. It's incredibly asinine, but there it is.

    I would hesitate to say it was the lights, only because I've seen PLENTY of JW's, elders and their wives included, who have white lights strung around their home or property year-round. If you're on any type of social media (such as Facebook or Twitter) and have posted about anything having to do with your life that is "unbecoming of a JW", then that would be my first guess. Many have been nabbed because they posted something on Facebook and an elder got wind of it. It's so easy to copy and paste or screen shot, so ANYONE who was snooping could have gotten information and passed it on. I've been a victim of it myself and refused to meet with the elders about it...Nothing ever came of it and I remain just a fader, no formal disassociation or DF'ing took place.

    If you've got nothing to lose, go for it. Personally, I'd rather not give in to their little political game.

  • Morbidzbaby

    PS: If you no longer buy into their BS doctrine and rules, then you are by all accounts an apostate according to their definition. Own it. It isn't a bad title...It just means you woke up and refuse to drink the Koolaid anymore.

  • oppostate

    Here's a DA letter that was posted on JWN some time ago. What do you think of it? Would it help? Would the hounders get off your back if they received something like this?


    This law firm has been retained by "X" to remove his/her good name
    from your roster and all records on account of his/her wishes to no
    longer be a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. Per request
    of my client, this letter will serve as "X's" formal notification of
    his/her intent.
    It is of great concern that it is your common practice to make formal
    announcements of this sort public in an effort to stop family and
    friends from ever associating with him/her again, despite the fact
    s/he desires this decision for his/her own person only. With this
    concern it is of great importance that you understand defamation of
    character is a serious offence punishable under both state and federal
    law. Therefore it is this firm's demand that any public or private
    discussion that demeans the good name of "X" either in the near or
    distant future will be met with legal action.
    As with all cases, our goal is satisfaction of both parties if at all
    possible. We trust you understand that dissatisfaction for our client
    can only be experienced by purposeful, hurtful and unnessary action on
    your part.
  • Iamallcool

    I do not know if it will work for you, but there was an elder that became inactive and his house was filled with Christmas Lights, the C.O. and one of the elders went to his home, he said that he did not put up the lights on his home, someone did it for him, they never did summon him for Judicial Committee, that was years ago.

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