One Lord - One Savior : Get Used To It

by Perry 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    LB- It is a threat: Matthew 25:33....and these people think that's just fine.

  • LouBelle

    all that scrip proves is that Jesus knows his sheep from his goats and rather dexterous.

  • Diest

    Are you talking about the Hebrew texts that were partially written by polythiests and then changed in 600 BC to a more monothiestic text? Ahh yes that one...The Jews were sort of monothiests and I dont see support for a triune God.

    In the NT it seems to support a multi-facited I guess we will never know.

  • Andrew Sh
    Andrew Sh
    Diest "So I guess we will never know".
    John 7:17

    New Living Translation (NLT)

    17 Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own.

    So, dear reader, according to Jesus Christ, there is a simple reason why many people, such as Diest, do not know.... they do not really want to do the will of God.

  • DagothUr

    Perry might be right or not, I don't give a shit. Jehovah and Jesus are fairytales.

  • moshe

    Harold Camping sure fooled a lot of people around this time last year. I wonder how many of them are sorry they sold all their worldly goods to wait out the rapture on May 21st?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Andrew Sht:So, dear reader, according to Jesus Christ, there is a simple reason why many people, such as Diest,

    do not know.... they do not really want to do the will of God.

  • braincleaned

    I was a zealous proclaimer, for over 30 years, with a special interest in my personal study.

    I DO NOT understand, how some of you go from one religion to another! I'm an atheist, and has become one first by studying my Bible. How anyone who REALLY knows Jehovah thru scripture, can love this monster is beyond me. His "son" (or him as the son) is irrelevsant to the sheer abusive parent He is.
    Well. that's imaging all of this nonesense as true.


    I argue that those of you who are still in Religion, are still brainwashed by the WTS, and are just deflected your wishful thinking to another organisation.

    It's very, very sad. I would suggest trying reason, logic, evidence-based proof, and science. The REAL truth will indeed set you free.

    As for the trinity... whatever. It desn't make God look any better.

  • braincleaned

    DagothUr says " Perry might be right or not, I don't give a shit. Jehovah and Jesus are fairytales."

    There you have it. THAT's the truth.
    Once again, what a waste of brains to leave the WTS and go for even more barbaric mainstream religions.
    Religion really does make people irrational.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    BrainCleaned: How anyone who REALLY knows Jehovah thru scripture, can love this monster is beyond me.

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