One Lord - One Savior : Get Used To It

by Perry 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut
    One Lord - One Savior : Get Used To It

    Bob Marley said it better:

    One love, one heart
    Let's get together and feel all right!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I choose Bob Marley.

  • Terry

    As Jehovah's Witnesses we truly felt, believed and taught about a Jesus completely different from the historic Jesus of so-called Christendom.

    We found any assertion of equality with Father Jehovah to be not only non factual but blasphemous.

    Somehow it matters a lot to a great many people that this confusion and controversy over identity and distinction be set absolutely straight!

    But, as a practical matter, we might well ask a few questions of our own selves.

    1.If whatever GOD is were more complicated than human understanding--should it really surprise us?

    2.If we do our best to comprehend who/what God really IS and fail to get it exactly clear---would this surprise God?

    3.Does God know the difference (if any) between SELF and manifestation of "self" to the extent it would enrage Him if others made a muddle of it?

    4.If worship can be defined as "man's natural reaction to encounter with the Living God"--can we assume man's worship would equal his own comprehension or would he necessarily overshoot the tiny nature of his own mind?

    5.Making a Doctrine of belief in the ineffable an obstacle to reverence accomplishes what Good and Noble thing in the long run?

  • Perry


    There you go again throwing cold water on a perfectly good feeding frenzy. How have you been? I'm in Dallas most every week now from all the recent storms there.

    Lunch offer is still open.

  • Knowsnothing

    Trinitarian debates are useless. They are equivalent to comparing your favorite super hero powers.

    Superman can fly!
    Well, Spiderman can shoot web!

  • tec

    Or Star Trek vs. Star Wars?


  • tec

    Terry is right though... no doctrine should stand in the way of following, knowing, loving Christ and God.



  • Perry

    Agreed Tammy. When I accepted Christ on his terms, I didn't believe for sure or not if he was God. I didn't let that stand in my way.

  • designs

    But now you're the Ad Man for the Evangelical version heh

  • LouBelle

    The header sounds like a threat: Get used to it....or else? or else what? People throught out the ages have worshiped some sort of deity - this is nothing new, those deities have simply morphed into something more acceptable and so have their inspired scripts. Look, there is much one can take and use from those scripts, but simply put, there is no god, save ourselves.

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