Regular pioneers to be nominated by BOE

by yalbmert99 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Now I suppose that means that the hounders can gang up on a publisher and force them to pious-sneer by "nominating" them. I wonder if I can get disqualified by openly worshiping the Devil, Ouija board and all.

  • yalbmert99

    The idea of the watchtower not being linked to the abuses a pioneer would do in service makes sense. If something happens the watchtower will say it's not our fault, it's the elders' fault.

  • Quarterback

    I remember when it was only the Service Committee (Service, Secretary, and CO-Ordinator Overseers) that approved Reg Pioneers. They made their recommendations known to the Body of Elders, and here is where the fun began. Some Elders on the Body would be jealous because their kids weren't pioneering, or were opposed to it. Some had such high expectations for them, and demands. One demand was to impose a rule on the publisher to Auxilliary Pioneer for at least 6 months first. The Org book, or Pioneer Application form made no such demands. I can only imagine now just how difficult it will become. The pioneers may just pack it in, and catch that bus destined for University. Ooops, now he/she really doesn't qualify.

  • ziddina

    As so many have pointed out, this sounds like it's another facet of their attempts to claim that "going out in service" is a personal "ministry", and not LEGALLY connected - for liability purposes - to the Watchtower headquarters...

  • Quarterback

    Yes, Zid. It seems to be heading in that direction.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    JW's, bringing u the truth, As interpreted by their legal dept*

    *Not affilliated with anyone's personal ministry

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