Anybody here vegan?

by Dagney 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Freedom Fail.

  • james_woods
    Freedom Fail.

    I shall remember this for a long time - SixofNine rejects FREEDOM.

  • Patty Cake
    Patty Cake

    I've been eating vegan for 10 years. It's like many diets - it can be an incredibly healthful way to eat or, if done impropoerly, make you really sick. I've met omnivores and vegans tha were really sick due to poor diet. I've met vegans who looked so sick and skinny, I really wanted to feed them - please, eat a sandwich I've met omnivores and felt that way, too. On any diet, avoiding processed foods as much as possible and eating a lot of veggies is really important.

    I had an injury several years ago, which caused degenerative spinal problems. I'm convinced that my diet has helped. I saw a neurosurgeon (never did have the surgery) and he was amazed I had any grip left in my hands at all, I'm not supposed to. I attribute that to diet and the fact that I use my body as much as I am able.

    The issue of who is or is not a vegan is self-determined. There is no cookie-cutter type vegan, unless you conpletely give up all your thoughts and identity - something after the BOrg I am unwilling to do.

    I was a vegetarian for 6 months and didn't consiider eating vegan because every vegan I met...well, it felt like I was talking to a JW or something. One of the reasons I can't stand the BOrg is the proselytizing. When the vegans I met did that to me, it made me ill. If someone is interested or asks question, that's one thing. It went way beyond that. I eventually met a vegan who wasn't like that, and that made all the difference. I realized that I could eat any way I wanted to and ignore ideas that I didn't like or agree with. OK, I'm off my soapbox now

    @dagney Feel free to PM me. I've got a lot of stuff to deal with right now, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I love sushi, too! I don't miss fish sushi anymore. I eat other types of sushi, sometimes. Love avacodo rolls. It's harder at first, gets easier as you go along.

    I know that the nutrients in fish has some very healthful efffects. My concern is that, from what I understand, fish is the most toxic meat around (heavy metals, PCB's, etc.). Regardless of vegan or omnivore, fish now needs to be apperoached with great caution.

    Someone else mentioned that B12 is crucial , so true (I understand that even omnivores should consider supplementing with B12, BTW.). If you decide to eat 100% vegan, there are some additional supplements to consider, at least on an occasional basis.

    Here's a couple of links to the best vegan nutrion info I've found. It's got a lot of great info, and alll that I've read is sourced (a very important thing to me.) He's a registered dietician. He also runs something called Vegan Outreach, but it's too preachy for my tastes. I hope that isn't discourgaing, as his his nutrition info is outstanding. I'd start here and then try here

  • biometrics

    Raw hemp seed One of the best vegan friendly foods I've ever eaten. It made a noticeable difference to my health (skin, and energy levels).

    Has anyone else tried hemp?

  • talesin

    wha - legumes have a major role in my diet; yesterday was one of those days. I cook all my beans & lentils myself, too, none of that sodium-soaked canned stuff. They taste yuck, as well. And yes on the vino, as long as it's red.

    Patty - you said this: One of the reasons I can't stand the BOrg is the proselytizing. When the vegans I met did that to me, it made me ill.

    I so agree! One of my friends was what I call 'a gentle vegan', and I was able to learn from him, because he wasn't trying to jam his 'religion' down my throat all the time. He also told me that he would be happy if folks would be open to healthier eating - cut down their consumption of flesh, and eat the 'right stuff' (ie, local, free-range and organic).

    Totally agree with you about fish, especially those at the top of the food chain (eg, tuna).

    PP,, please share!


  • designs

    They're serving mustard sandwiches on another thread, hurray!

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    "I realized that I could eat any way I wanted to and ignore ideas that i didn't like or agree with."

    WRONG!!!!! I don't know who told you that nonsense but being Vegan mean you don't comsume any animal products at all. If you want to eat anything you want, that's fine, but please stop calling yourself a Vegan. It's people like you that makes things harder for true Vegans, how so? When they get misinformation about what Vegans can and can't eat they falsely advertise certain foods as being Vegan based on that false information. Being Vegan mean no animals products, period. If you don't agree with that idea, go be a vegetarian.

  • Patty Cake
    Patty Cake

    @ biometrics I love the nutrional profile and benefits of hemp seeds. I haven't eaten it much, only due to the cost. If I have extra cash, I'd eat them all the time.

    @tal You're right - the higher up the chain on fish (bigger), the more toxins there are.

    @Phil The quote that you refer to in my post I see now as confusing. I wasn't referring to eating anything I want and saying that I only eat vegan food. I was trying to say that I could choose they type of diet that I want (vegan food as opposed to my then veggie diet.) Before that, I saw what I referred to as "proselytizying" and certain philosophical concepts as a package deal that went along with the dietary choice. After meeting that friend I mentioned, I understood that I could eat vegan food and ignore things like what seemed to me like a mandate to proselytize. Sorry about the confusion, I'm tired.

    Yes, a vegan diet does not contain any animal products. To me, this includes honey (I don't eat honey).

    There is no way I can see that anyone can be 100% "vegan". By buying any produce from factory plant farms, one is supporting the death of animals - many animals are needlessly killed during the whole plant growing and harvesting process. There's more and differrent examples, but I think that kinda gets across what I'm trying to say.

    Also, I never called myself a vegan. I said I eat vegan food. The paragraph above explains why.

  • Dagney

    Hi all. I wrote a long response last night and inadvertently lost it...then had to go to bed.

    Thank you for all your comments. It is clear to me I'm a novice at this, not clear of the definitions int his subject.

    I'm at work and have to goooooooooooooooo...

  • palmtree67

    I've been inspired to check into veganism a little more seriously.

    Good thread!

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