Anybody here vegan?

by Dagney 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinamovement

    If you ever have a chance, check out the documentary forks over knives. It pushed myself and my wife towards vegetarianism. We're still have a little way to go until we are there, but we are convinced it is the right way to eat.


  • ohiocowboy

    For those who juice,

    Go to a Farmer's market at the end of the day, and the vendors are practically giving produce away. I have bought 50 pound bags of carrots for $12, and 20 pounds of apples for $10, a whole box of Bananas for $5 etc. I love fresh juiced carrot and apple juice. Watermelon Grape is another good one. Hand juiced V-8 from celery, tomatoes, a small chili pepper, endive, etc. is incredible!

  • talesin

    @ designs

    clams and oysters are flesh = not vegetarian, fish


  • SixofNine

    I second the recommendation to see Forks Over Knives.

    I went totally vegan for about three months last year, and I felt amazing and had loads more energy. For some reason, it was fairly easy to make the drastic change to veganism then, and for some other reason, it's been very hard to get back to it - but my diet is currently much, much better than it was before. Still, I want to again feel as amazing as I did for those three months.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm a vegan apostate. I did not do well, in fact, I started getting angina.

    Now, I would use an all raw vegan diet for a few weeks for a medicinal purpose, but it is medicine, and using any medicine to excess is ill advised.

  • Finally-Free

    I cut meat and fish out of my diet in October and don't miss it at all. I still eat eggs, cheese, and sour cream. I have a lot more energy now.


  • NewChapter

    I used to be a vegan. I can even make my on tofu starting with soybeans. But this is VERY important! You MUST watch you b12 intake----a truly vegan diet does not contain it and a deficiency is very serious. Some vegans get it from nutrional yeast---which can be used to make a really good 'cheesy' sauce among other things. Place like India where the diet is common actually got it in the past from insects in the food. So be careful! But go for it.


  • John_Mann

    Good question, if you just eat insects are you a vegan?

  • skeeter1

    Forks Over Knives is a must see. It's a step in the right direction.

    But, like the WTS, some of it is misleading. Look at the critics. The show leaves out some things. Read both sides of it.

    But, I really liked alot of what Forks over Knives had to say. I am not eating nearly as much meat. I get to have my peanut butter & jelly sandwich, and I love it.

    Vitamins, fish oil, flax seed are very important for everyone.


    And, if Forks Over Knives doesn't convince you to cut down on meat . . watch "Day in the Life" (there's a seen, that will have you NOT eating cows for a very long tme)

  • JRK

    "Where are clams and oysters on the food chain."

    They don't have butts, so they should count as a vegetable.


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