Anybody here vegan?

by Dagney 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • biometrics

    I really don't like the fact that Dagney asked if there were any Vegans here and a bunch non-Vegans decided to answer

    And here comes the high and mighty pure-bred vegan, along with all-knowing vegan wisdom.

    Here's a hint, veganism is a dietary choice, not a royal blood line.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    some can be very hard core about it. That's why I asked if Phili eats capsules

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    @wha happened

    No, I do not eat capsules.


    I don't like posers.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    no one was posing. They were making suggestions. That's what Dagney asked for. Good God if we have to be an expert on anything we comment on without getting kicked in the teeth for it, this place will become a very quiet place

  • SixofNine

    what does the artichoke juice do for you?

  • Berengaria

    He's been vegan for a while now, I think less than a year, and his whole blood profile has changed, he's dropped quite a bit of weight, and he feels and sounds great. In fact he doesn't even sound like the same person. His meds usage is going down. So it appears for some with serious issues with heart and diabetes, it can make a huge difference.

    Dagney, losing just 10% of your body weight can have dramatic results, no matter how you do it. Also, is your friend exercising? That makes a huge difference as well.

  • james_woods

    I will never be a vegan, but I happen to agree that (at least in North America) we could reduce our intake of fatty red meat and other cholesterol sources.

    BTW - fried potatoes are just about as bad (or worse) than the hamburgers.

    BTW2 - this is a personal issue with me. Not an issue for the Federal Government to make intervention with.

  • james_woods

    BTW3 - Hi, Beks.

  • SixofNine

    What country will be more competative on the world stage, James; a country that has a healthy, active population and lower cost of healthcare per person and compared to GDP, or a country that has an unhealthy, lethargic population with a high cost of healthcare? Which country will have more domestic tranquility and better general welfare? Which country would be better able to defend itself?

    You'll be graded on your answers.

  • james_woods
    You'll be graded on your answers.

    I stand by a free country. Grade me as you wish.

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