More Watch Tower Cost Cutting!!! Smaller Magazine to be Announced

by cantleave 230 Replies latest members private

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well sounds like another bit of "new light" is on the way.

  • steve2

    It would not be unheard of for the organization to simply stop production of one of the magazines. Awake! is a relatively recent addition to their suite of propaganda, morphing out of an earlier publication called Consolation. I think Consolation was already in production in Russell's day and continued into the 1920s and 1930s (I do not know when it commenced publication). Consolation gave way to a rebranded magazine, Awake! - some time in the 1940s - again I do not have the exact timeline.

    Besides being a craftier means of peddling their message of impedning doom, Awake! will have the now more notorious distinction of carrying the confident prediction inside its front cover about the current system of things passing away before the generation that saw 1914 dies out. This prediction understandably was discontinued without comment a number of years ago. Not one JW did a double-look because the poor darlings probably didn't even notice it was no longer there - until some persons with a few active brain cells asked, "Why's it been discontinued?" To the best of my knowledged no official answer has ever been given to the question - although it's not hard to know the reason why, given the (once again) unfulfilled predictions.

  • diamondiiz

    Reading the letter you can tell that it's written in a way to ease the listener and reader to accept the bad news which is mentioned at the end. By using the first two paragraphs on pointing out how successful their web site is and how they need to utilize this area more efficiently they are updating their crap site. The third paragraph slowly brings out the need to print smaller due to "ability to obtain paper and equipment" which obviously is total deception but the general dubs won't catch that.

    Atlantis' thread with links to the letter is

  • punkofnice

    Praise god, the spagetti monster or anyone!! Less pages of sh1t.

    To my mind evidence they're feeling the financial pinch!


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I find it interesting how they simply cannot imagine a world without the WT and Asleep! magazines. Really, that is the only thing holding them back from an all-single-page-tract campaign. This is just an extra step in that direction. I give it 3 years tops.

    Come on, is a 16 page "magazine" really a magazine? It's more like the multi-page advertisements for cookware and cologne they put in the middle of Bon Appetit or Women's Health.

    BTW - the claimed 400k hits per day they get is utterly insignificant in the Internet world. You get that many hits by someone clicking the wrong thing.

  • sir82

    This is going to hit the old-timers hard.

    Those who have been around just 20 years have seen:

    -- end of fixed prices for literature

    -- end of food service at assemblies & conventions

    -- end of subscriptions to magazines

    -- number of new pages of printed material per month cut from 128 to 96 to 64 pages per month

    -- end of meetings in private homes

    -- end of Gilead school training for new missionaries

    -- end of pioneer assist program

    -- thousands of career Bethelites turned out into the streets

    That's an awful lot of negative stuff, and there hasn't been much new to replace it.

    Organizations don't shrink to greatness. From all appearances, they seem to be winding down.

    What comes next?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    How many people will accidently find us here or jwfacts when making their way to the official jw site? Quite a few I would think so why are they taking that risk?

    After demonising the internet almost since its inception they are now going to be encouraging people to use it. I don't understand why they have almost done a 360 on it.

  • winstonchurchill

    Those who have been around just 20 years have seen:

    -- end of fixed prices for literature

    -- end of food service at assemblies & conventions

    -- end of subscriptions to magazines

    -- number of new pages of printed material per month cut from 128 to 96 to 64 pages per month

    -- end of meetings in private homes

    -- end of Gilead school training for new missionaries

    -- end of pioneer assist program

    -- thousands of career Bethelites turned out into the streets

    Well, JW's have been announcing "the end"!

  • metatron

    The saddest part of this is what will not happen:

    No mass exodus or disaffilation from the (dying) Organization. Sorry.....

    This situation is little different from the fall of Soviet Communism. For the most part, it's end came about because the leaders lost faith in it, not the deceived public. Step by step, they gave up their empire. They left Eastern Europe and the Society sells off its Branches.

    It's going to get ever more sad and pathetic as these people hang on, no matter what, lying to themselves and ignoring the fact that their Organizational "Idol" is fading away into history.


  • BluesBrother

    Well. well, well....Jehovah is "speeding things up in his due time" isn't he?

    Half the magazine content , which is itself half the content of a few years ago . It is a good job that nobody buys annual subscriptions anymore - they would demand their money back.

    Mind you, the dubs will be pleased , they have less to keep up to date reading.

    I think that the Borg is too savvy to phase out the public mags altogether, I mean, what do the majority of them do when they go out in Service? Just offer the latest magazines. They do not have the old timer's skill or desire to start a real conversation. The mags are an essential crutch for them to rely on....

    BTW I can imagine the conversations going home "Daddy, is the internet a good or a bad thing? The letter said it is good, so why won't you let me go onto it???

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