by Valentine 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • rhett

    Don't feel sorry for me. Yes, I certainly do catagorize every woman who has an abortion as a cold hearted bitch. Its like saying any one who kicks a puppy is cruel except that the puppy lives. If any women read this and have had an abortion then I am personally calling you a cold hearted bitch and really don'think would have been a bad thing if you would have died when you were having the abortion. I don't really care what else you do or what the circumstances were, you killed your child. It doesn't get any more black or white than that. You were pregnant and had a living child inside you. For whatever reasons you had, YOU killed it. Had you died and I heard about it I would have felt bad that an innocent baby was dead but felt that at least there was some justice to it if you died. You can also rest assured that I am quite bitter that there are innocent children being killed by their parents. There's something seriously wrong with you if you're not. I'm not saying you're as seriously disturbed as someone who would kill their own child but there is definitely something wrong with you. People get on this board and rant and rave (rightfully so) saying how horrible it is when a parent lets a child die due to lack of a blood transfusion but where's the outrage when abortion comes up. Nowhere near as many children die from lack of blood when compared to the number of ones that die due to an abortion. I am also very angry at any bitch who would do this to their child. Anger is not a bad thing if its because of something horrible. Is it wrong to be angry at the terrorists from 9/11? Why should it be wrong to be angry at the bitches who are responsible for over 1,000,000 dead babies a year?
    How am I hurting because of my narrow mindedness here? I just can't see how anyone who has an abortion can be in a positive light because I think killing children is wrong. Crazy me, I have this thing where I don't think innocent people should die because of inconvenient circumstances. Personally, I see it as a good thing when the same person comitting the murder dies along with them. I've not heard of too many memorials popping up for the terrorists that hijacked those planes. Was it bad for them to die as well? If the two are so different as some of you think they are then do tell me how the life of the millions of innocent children who die from abortions are somehow worth less than the thousands who died on 9/11.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • slipnslidemaster

    It was only a matter of time. I figured SOMEONE would go off with their gun half-cocked.

    Why is it that only the pro-abortion people can usually have a decent conversation about this topic without freaking out where as the pro-life people seem to almost always degenerate into raving lunatics?

    Rhett, I'm guessing that you support the death penalty though, right?

    Slipnslidemaster: "Facts are the enemy of truth."
    - Don Quixote

  • rhett

    Riiiiiiiiiight, someone says killing children is bad and they're a raving lunatic yet talking about killing them is so civil.
    And actually, yes, I am for the death penalty under the right circumstnaces like when there is no doubt that they comitted murder and it was especially cruel. I really don't see how these two things are related though unless you're equating an unborn child who is guilty of absolutely of nothing except being an inconvenience to their mother with someone who willingly commits gruesome murders. Maybe in more enlightened circles where killing unborn children is ok the idea that we should keep these sickos around is widely accepted but thankfully I'm just a raving lunatic who believes that unborn children should be protected. Crazy me.........

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • patio34

    In response to Tina's original post, i have to say it's very critical to pay attention to all the issues. Whether one agrees with abortion or not, is it the government who should intervene and outlaw it? What will be the outcome of such drastic measures on the poor?

    Has anyone considered the intensely miserable lives many children must live because of being unwanted? Or being born to many parents who are drug-addicted?

    It doesn't seem to me to be such a black-white answer and circumspection must be used before cutting into the current laws. Right now, it does seems to me that it is not the government's role to intervene in such choices.

    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • 144thousand_and_one

    Rhett continues to go on about killing children, but hasn't responded to the fact that the Supreme Court of the US has specifically ruled that a fetus is not a human being and, accordingly, an abortion is a termination of a fetus, not murder. Facts are unimportant to delusional folks. Seek help, Rhett, your insensitive comments about women and the victims of the Sept 11 tragedies in this thread illustrate a callous heart and a likelihood of mental illness. There might be medicine for you.

  • target

    Its little heart starts beating at 28 days after conception, regardless of what the US Supreme Court has decided to label it.


  • mommy

    See Target, there you go again How do you know that a heartbeat starts at 28 days? Do you realize that a heartbeat does not have to start, and a baby can still continue to grow? That you can have a full term infant growing inside you and give birth and he/she never takes a breath of air? Surely the baby is alive for it to continue to grow right?

    There are so many different situations. So many factors to consider. So many viewpoints. How anyone can make broad sweeping statements is beyond me.

  • IslandWoman


    Its little heart starts beating at 28 days after conception, regardless of what the US Supreme Court has decided to label it.
    So what! Its mother's heart started beating 12,15,18 years before! That heart and soul was trained by the commercial entities in our country. Remember? Slick painted lips, and moving little hips are what our children are taught to emulate.

    They are taught to be sexual beings, not mothers or fathers! We, our generation, has taught them!


  • 144thousand_and_one

    Target, thanks for the information, but the status of individual organs within the fetus is irrelevant to this discussion.

  • target

    How do I know that a heartbeat starts at 28 days? Because the medical books say so. I didn't pull that out of thin air. Yes, I know there are unusual circumstances. There was one recently here in Phoenix where the baby was developing with no head. But we all know that by far the majority of babies aborted are healthy, or would be if they were given a chance. I am not against abortion in those unusual cicumstances.


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