by Valentine 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • peaceloveharmony

    simon, unfortunately some here in the states haven't heard of the morning after pill. i posted an article about it here a few weeks ago. i can search for the link...

    can't say i'm happy with a few of you refering to women who get abortions as "self centered bitch" and "some piece of trash"

    you never know the whole story.

    and lisa, great point about taxes :)

  • peaceloveharmony

    here's the link to that thread with the article on the morning after pill if anyone's interested.

  • 144thousand_and_one

    Juit, Rhett, Larc, and Target:

    Who will pay for the costs of raising the multitudes of unwanted children that would result from restriction/ban of abortion? Who will pay for the costs of incarcerating the high proportion of such kids who will become part of our judicial system? Who will pay restitution to the victims of the crime generated by these individuals?

    Do you have any comprehension of the detrimental impact on the environment caused by the population explosion? More people equals more trash, more pollution, more consumption of natural resources, and more destruction of natural habitat. Do you believe that humans should overpopulate the earth? If so, what benefits to the earth do you foresee by such human overpopulation? How would you mitigate the exacerbation of the population explosion an abortion restriction/ban would occasion?

    BTW, your arguments that your tax dollars should not go to funding abortions are financially irresponsible. A taxpayer funded abortion will be much less costly than the cost of the government-sponsored social services that will be necessary to pay the social services and judicical costs of raising these unwanted children.

    Rhett, too bad your mother didn't practice the abstinence advocated by the Bush administration. It would have meant one less cold-hearted asshole in the world.

  • Simon

    Who says I'm just refering to the woman as a piece of trash? I do know it takes two to tango you know!

    I don't want to pay for the abortions but I don't want to pay for the unwanted children either. However, I suspect that if we weren't going to pay for the abortion that the people would either pay themselves or be more careful.

    How can the payment of millions (billions?) of dollars into a into a system no be expected to influence peoples behavior?

    I was being a bit intentionally "controversial" (although I do lean toward that opinion) to show that it is Ok to have an opinion contrary to others.

    What I find most amazing is that someone thinks they can post a topic on such an emotive subject to a public forum occupied by ex-religious people and not expect anyone to comment on it or have a 'different opinion' (how dare they, lol) !!

    Now that is funny!

  • JustAThought
    Who will pay for the costs of raising the multitudes of unwanted children that would result from restriction/ban of abortion? Who will pay for the costs of incarcerating the high proportion of such kids who will become part of our judicial system? Who will pay restitution to the victims of the crime generated by these individuals?

    Do you have any comprehension of the detrimental impact on the environment caused by the population explosion? More people equals more trash, more pollution, more consumption of natural resources, and more destruction of natural habitat. Do you believe that humans should overpopulate the earth? If so, what benefits to the earth do you foresee by such human overpopulation? How would you mitigate the exacerbation of the population explosion an abortion restriction/ban would occasion?

    The world can bear the weight of it's children. It always has. It will continue to do so. And if a higher percentage of children who 'should' have been aborted become part of our judicial system and/or crime problem, then these problems should have improved during the past 27 years that abortion was legal, rather than have gotten worse.

    People have been crying 'wolf' about the coming population explosion for, at least, the last 30 years. If you look at any of their statistics, we should have populated ourself off the planet years ago. The problems you cite (trash, pollution, comsumption of natural resources, destruction of our natural habitat) are all being currently addressed in ways less drastic than discarding the weakest, most defenseless of our own. We have made great strides in recycling and in controlling/limiting pollution, we are on the path to a near-paperless society, we have taken (and continue to) take steps to preserve vast areas of our natural habitats. We can address all of the concerns you cited without killing our children.

  • target

    I take it that you feel that most abortions are being performed on the poor, and if not done, would result in a large number of misfit kids running around. If you look around you will see that the poor keep right on having the kids. It is the middle and upper class that have most of the abortions. Have you any idea what the waiting list is like to adopt an infant? If there are too many people in the world, we could always start killing off the old ones. They have at least had a chance at life. But that would be offensive. They suck up a lot more services than babies and look at the savings there would be on Social Security. Of course I am not advocating such a thing. I am just saying that such a thought is offensive but killing babies is not. I couldn't do either. But then there is my father-in-law.....


  • peaceloveharmony

    here's a site that lists children waiting for families

  • 144thousand_and_one

    Just a Thought:

    What planet do you live on? The population explosion is not "coming," it's here. Environmental degradation is not being sufficiently addressed by the "ways less drastic than discarding the weakest, most defenseless of our own." Hence, global warming, extinction of species, nuclear contamination, destruction of natural habitat, and pollution, to name a few environmental maladies, continue unabated and threaten to eventually destroy the earth and its inhabitants. Common sense dictates that banning/restricting abortion will only magnify these problems by increasing population.

    Your assertion that abortion should have improved the judicial/crime problem is meaningless, as there is no way to objectively determine the effect of abortion on crime.

    Just a thought, you've failed miserably to answer the questions raised by my post.


    Have you any idea what the waiting list is like to adopt an infant?
    There's no waiting list to adopt minority kids, only white ones. Banning/restricting abortion will increase the number of unwanted kids. All the anti-choice folks should demonstrate their sincerity to their cause by adopting a minority child.

    Also, your conclusion that I believe most abortions are performed on the poor lacks any basis in the post I made, or in fact. Abortions are indeed had by all socioeconomic classes, but minority kids have the most difficulty getting adopted. The lack of a caring, nurturing family life (which is also experienced by many JW kids) often leads to emotional problems that manifest themselves in the form of criminal conduct.

    Abortion is not killing babies, it is terminating a fetus. I am offended by fascist right wing zealots who don't respect the freedoms this country stands for, including the right for woman to make choices with respect to their physical well-being. This is the USA, if you don't like it here, get out and live in a country with a totalitarian form of government.

    Target, you have also failed to answer the questions raised by my post. I'm not surprised, as there is no anti-choice answer that will make any sense.

  • JustAThought
    ... there is no anti-choice answer that will make any sense ... to me.
  • dungbeetle

    Why does it have to be all-or-nothing? The black and white thinking is something we can choose to leave behind us if we only wanted to.

    I'll take the plunge and get on the sh**t list for this:

    A fetus is a human being. It has its own unique fingerprints, a genetic code at least fifty percent different than its mother, often times a totally diferent blood type. And so on and so on.

    I think that the incredible numbers of abortions performed in this country are only symptoms of greater problems in our culture, since we possess the technology to prevent pregnancy, and it's available to almost anyone who wants or needs it. (Even if you have to 'jump through hoops' to get it, sorry.) So, something else is going on isn't just about pregnancy, or choice, or anything like that.

    The numbers seem to be, strangely enough, that the more birth control and sex education there is, the more abortions seem to be performed. I think as a culture we need to deal with THIS issue. I don't have any answers, thousands of abortions every year is a SYMPTOM of something--but I don't know what.

    I'll say one thing tho. If there is a choice between two evils, I really believe that terminating a baby at a few weeks of age with the 'abortion pill' has GOT to be more humane than the 'slice and dice with vaccuum' or the 'saltwater bath' methods much farther down the road. I think if women want to have an abortion, every support/encouragment should be given to the morning after/abortion pill.

    Just my 1/2 cent worth.

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

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