Kingdom Hall remodel - scam

by Dagney 84 Replies latest jw friends


    They are preparing for the 'massive apostasy'! Better get hold of the KHs before they turn out apostate so they can sell them.


  • notjustyet

    Worse case scenario you would think that they might place a lein on the property until the loan was paid off, to assure that the WTBTS gets the loan proceeds back. But once the loan is paid off

    then the lein is released and everybody is happy.

    Kinda crazy thinking that they are handing over the deed AND paying back a loan on a remodel.

    How many angles can they get money from?

  • palmtree67

    Why are we the only ones who *get* this??

    It's totally a scam.

  • biometrics

    Ahh the fights that I remember about KH remodelling. I remember one elder (who was against remodelling) started yelling in the meeting. There was a vote put to the congregation whether or not the hall needed remodelling (hall was 5 years old). First vote was the for, nearly everyone put their hands up, next the against. There were only a few hands, everyone looking at the elder who was against it. That was enought to set him off. I can't remember what he said, but he stormed out of the KH yelling and pointing.

    Then there was another KH I was at. One elder acused everyone of having too much money, and not contributing to the remodel. He used the example of cars in the parking lot, saying most people had expensive cars, yet didn't contribute to the remodel.

  • WTWizard

    Either way, it is a complete waste of resources. First, remodeling Kingdumb Hells still in fine condition is wasteful. The "green" thing to do is to get top quality in the first place and make things last. If they need minor remodeling (say, because the carpet is worn), they should focus on just what actually needs work. Never mind paying for a teardown of a wall when it's the door hardware that needs replacement. Bonus: Just doing what is needed would be quicker, use less funds, and less disruptive.

    Now, if they really need a remodel (say, a leaky roof ruined the walls or they are really growing so the place is no longer suitable), then they should seek the lowest cost. If that means buying supplies at a local home improvement store, so be it--what they should do is seek the lowest per-year cost. This means getting quality materials instead of crap, even if they pay more for them. Often, using good materials has a much lower per-year cost than using cheaper crap. And it should be financed at the lowest cost possible, even if it means getting a mortgage from one of the other big banks or a local investor.

    As I see it, there is no need to spend double the market rate because the Washtowel is making money on selling the product. Spending half again the promised rate, especially when the rate was excessive in the first place, is inexcusable. Ditto paying for an Autobahn quality parking lot when you intend to just get a basic parking lot repavement. There simply is no excuse for this waste. Just to get people into debt--when they want people to simplify their lives, yet they want them to take on debt for this rubbish.

    Also notable is that they usually do a lousy job to boot. How many electrical problems do they experience in the average Kingdumb Hell within a year? I have noticed that the air conditioning is consistently pxxx poor. They can't even activate the security system because of the lousy installation job and/or crap products used. The heating is also inferior--once, the back room had a heat blackout (the building was roughly 8 years old at the time) that cost us a boasting session (the book study in that room had to be cancelled for no heat). Other times, the heat runs out of control. They splurge on contribution boxes, but they stint on electrical and heating. Also, when they waste at least double what a cork board cost at your office supply store on a cork board, something is wrong.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    If you build it, "they will come!"

  • mP

    does remodelling really add value to the price when one sells a kh ? most of the time im guessing the building gets demolished or the insides get remodelled anyway. how many customers want a kh insides setup ? i just dont get it, most of the time thoudands will be spent, for the few who care.

  • Dagney

    @ cedars: Very interesting about Menlo Park. Kudos to those guys.

    WTBS is a corporation, a machine. It's purpose is to stay in existence. Any perception that it is anything else is a delusion. It will find a way to exist no matter the cost, no matter what it does to its followers. They arrogantly call the shots, and their faithful CO/DO/fulltime footmen, many who have no other options for another life, follow their orders.

    Amazing. I hope to find a way to share this.

  • truthseeker1969

    I can remember back in early nineties a sister inherited several hundred thousand pounds.

    The cong i was in needed a new hall and she told them she would give them the money to pay it outright, everyone knew about it.

    They told her it would be in the region of 150,000.00 for the hall which to her seemed very high so she questioned why it was so expensive for such a small kingdom hall when another congregation spent the same for a hall three times the size of the one they planned.

    They would give no answer.

    When she said that she neede an explanation they said they had found alternate funding with a local bank at very low interest, set at 1pc.

    The society refused to allow them to get the loan and insisted they get the money from the society fund at 3pc.

    Then we all discovered that extra materials from the quick build just done were being used on our hall which meant it had already been paid for and was being chrged for again.

    Further upsetting the RBC was an elder who became aware that the materials for the hall came to a grand total of 73000.00 so where the 150,000.00 came from it beyond anyone!

    It is all a fraud and all they do is hand it all to the society!

  • Alfred

    This is not only a good source of revenue for the Watchtower but it also increases FIELD SERVICE HOURS which can be used in assembly boasting sessions. (assuming they still allow JWs to count their time for putting up dry wall in the KH)

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