Clear distinction of people on JWN

by cptkirk 65 Replies latest jw experiences

  • just Ron
  • N.drew

    Well im a #6 i really didnt want to be disfelowshipped and asked to not be yet they still did it to me.Best thing in hindsight they ever did.Now im free to Morph into class #666 which is "I dont give a shit for your stupid degrading putdowns of people you dont know list".

    God bless you Azazel! I'll take your number if it means I don't have be in the same room with the captain!!

  • NewChapter

    Number 1

  • N.drew

    Number 1 says NewChapter

    I am disapointed in you NC. I thought you were smarter than that!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    #7 ---> #1 ---> #5


  • N.drew

    I rove about on JWN because of minds like elderelite Caedes Think About It punkofnice Azazel

    Good answers guys!

  • Sapphy

    #9 Self absorbed assholes who pigedon hole people into narrowly defined catagories randomly so they can feel smart

    Yup, I was going to say that.

    Also people who struggle with everything and have delusions are not 'sociopaths'. Do you even know what that means?

  • Twitch

    What Elderelite and Caedes said.

  • NewChapter

    I am disapointed in you NC. I thought you were smarter than that!

    WELL! LOL NDrew, you caused me to reread the list. After reading number one, I just kind of skimmed the others. I did not realize it was a setup---cuz like I only read the mildly flattering first choice. I mistook this for one of those light and fluffy threads, and just quickly played.

    We need more categories.

    #10 True believer that thought they knew everything and held everyone else in disdain, who figured out they didn't know everything, but now that they REALLY know everything, they hold everyone else in disdain.

    #11 former #10 that finally left the cult mentality behind.

  • TD

    What about UBM's? What (un)complimentary description could an arm-chair psychologist dream up for them?

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