I don't believe the Bible is Inspired of god - Why do you / don't you?

by cantleave 202 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    What about faith not under-pinned by Christ then Tammy? Is that invalid?

  • Ucantnome


    Does your faith hold more validity than that of a Muslim or a Hindu?

    I dont really understand what you are asking me. Are you asking about salvation? Or my personal viewpoint of the validity of being a Muslim or Hindu? What do you mean by validity? That Christianity is more sound in argument than other religions?

  • designs

    Study Judaism and then read Romans and ask yourself was this later discussion really from a learned Pharisee.

  • cantleave

    Ucantnome: If I speak to Muslim or a Hindu, they will use the same arguments regarding their faith that you do with yours. They believe they are guided by their gods and gain strength from them and they find their faith gives them purpose in life. My question is, I suppose, would you agree with them?

    If not, why not?

  • Ucantnome

    What does faith offer? A promise without any foundation.

    this point that you made. I can understand that you feel this way. but many people don't. Billions dont

    I know and know of people who are christian and teach in Universities. These are well educated people.

  • designs

    If you are looking to a document like the New Testament which has serious flaws and contradictions to the Old Testament how much trust or faith should you put into it.

  • Ucantnome

    I think what you are saying is that there is either validity in all gods or whatever happened to me when i needed help was not from God neither were the things written about in the bible.

    Maybe your right Cantleave. Maybe your not.

    But the question was why do I believe the Bible to be inspired and i answered that. I dont think you can prove beyond doubt that it isn't.

    I always feel I have to be careful in commenting on other people's faith. So I decline to go further.

  • Phizzy

    Ucantnome seems to be taking the old easy way out instead of answering the questions that challenge.

    "You can't pronve the Bible is not inspired " Oh gawd, here we go, let me explain, if you claim it is inspired , the onus of proof is on you, we , who doubt , cannot prove a negative.

    You will not comment on others faith, why not ?

    Either their faith is as valid as yours or it is not, either way, you must have reasons for believing thus.

    I think you do not understand the nature of a debating forum such as this, you cannot come here, make assertions, and then when you are called on to back them up say , " I decline to go further".

    If you do that we say "we decline to give any of your opinions respect" they do not deserve it.

    Put up or shut up.

  • tec

    What about faith not under-pinned by Christ then Tammy? Is that invalid?

    Not really my place to determine what is or is not valid for someone else. There are truths to be found running within most cultures and faiths.



  • cantleave

    Tammy Peace to you too!

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