I don't believe the Bible is Inspired of god - Why do you / don't you?

by cantleave 202 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • poopsiecakes

    I find it astonishing and intellectually irresponsible for people to be able to blithely dismiss all other myths and legends as such; for example: Thor, Zeus, Mithra, Horus, Merlin, Santa etc. - and yet go to extreme lengths to find a way to make the bible stories real somehow. The same powers of logic used to dismiss all these other stories is somehow blockaded when it comes to the bible. And yet some among these believers have managed to pick and choose which parts of the bible are real and which parts are allegory, all the while picking and choosing only those that prop up their need for faith, and discounting things in the very book that they get their faith from that makes them uncomfortable.

    The fact that so many believers on this site have stated that they dislike religion is another prime example. It’s easy to look around now and see the flaws in current religions but if it hadn’t been for these religions in the first place, there would be no belief whatsoever. Mithra is no longer believed in as a god because the religion worshipping him as such died out. Same goes for every other belief system that had a religion and system of worship around that belief. You can compare the stories of Jesus to the stories of Mithra and Horus and find remarkable parallels but the Jesus believers will scoff and find holes in the comparisons. Why? Because they feel a NEED to believe and this is the fuel that fires their brand of logic. I understand it because I did it myself for so long but in my case, I wasn’t content to just stop the process to feed an imagined need.

    Did the emperor Constantine really receive a divine vision at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge? His claim of this, that Christ appeared to him and assured him of victory, was what propped up Christianity and led to that religion being chosen over others of the time as the religion of state and the dissolution of other contemporary religions, including Mithraism. Those who believe in the bible as divinely inspired must also believe that Constantine was a divine vessel of sorts and that Christ was by his side in a decisive battle.

  • designs

    Ucant- Can't do that buddy, sorry, cop-outs not allowed. Either the face of Jesus on the Tortilla is real or its just a burn mark, either the vision of Mary is real or its not. We've had Evangelicals post videos of 'miracles' that are so bad in their obvious fakery but still the Believer believes. Benny Hinn is making a killing off the believers, is he for real or just a charlatan.

    The big deal with Jesus is that he rose from the dead as a man and went to heaven, ok, where's the proof within our 5 senses.

  • Ucantnome

    OK but this thread is about belief in the inspiration of the bible. That is a subject that is open to objective scrutiny.

    and I said

    It gives me hope. I've not seen a better deal being offered to me.

    and how do you propose to objectively scrutinize whether the Bible is inspired?

  • cofty

    how do you propose to objectively scrutinize whether the Bible is inspired?

    By examining it like we would any other document.

    When we do so we find historical inaccuracies and contradictions. We also find a complete lack of evidence of supernatural knowledge.

  • jaguarbass

    I think the God that inspired the bible is a spaceman, an astronaut.

    Probably a collective group of astronauts.

    The astronauts would be a higher group of men to controll a lower group of men.

    I suspect the astronauts genetically enginered the ape like creatures into somehting more like their, the astronauts


    I suspect the power of the universe, God, is not known to us and at this time unknowable to us.

  • designs

    Ucant- All religions offer some belief in an afterlife, the Happy place, that's there job. Genesis can be tested, is the heaven and earth 6000 years old as Genesis says or older.

  • Ucantnome

    cop out, A failure to fulfill a commitment or responsibility or to face a difficulty squarely.

    is that what you mean I have a commitment or responsibility to provide you with my evidence,

    and I'm not your buddy Designs.

  • N.drew

    I am pretty sure that the Watchtower never taught the Earth and Heaven are 6000 years old.

    Don't they say "Adam"'s offspring are 6000 years ago and counting?

  • Ucantnome


    When we do so we find historical inaccuracies and contradictions. We also find a complete lack of evidence of supernatural knowledge.

    I disagree.

  • cofty

    cop out - A failure to fulfill a commitment or responsibility or to face a difficulty squarely.

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