Just tired of the label "Apostate".

by rjl15225 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • rjl15225

    Cofty...yes I did! That is not the end of the story either. A long story, but my Sisters (JW's at the time) pulled some real nasty shit so that they could have the memorial service for our Mother in the Kingdom Hall without my knowing about it. Unfortunately for them, I found out about it just a few minutes prior to the service. Being that I had aquired some friends in the biker community, I called a few of them and we rolled up on the service (now before you start in on my disrespecting my Mother, we had held services for her prior to this at the cemetery placing her ashes respectfully in their resting place) wherein we backed up our Harleys into the entry of the Kingdom Hall and proceeded to provide them with a twelve pipe salute! No one moved, no one stepped up to stop us, and so they got a full throtle 30 second blast that had to have shaken the whole building.

    Childish perhaps...gratifying definitely!

  • cofty


  • ohiocowboy

    To me, being an Apostate (In JW terms) is a badge of honor, and I wear that badge proudly as it shows myself and others that I survived and have a life outside of the JW Cult.

  • Quentin

    Doesn't matter much, wt has gone beyond the true definition, you are now mentally diseased, abnormal, mentally unstable, mad as a hatter, so on and so forth. Evil and twisted a minion of Satan.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I told her, I don't think of myself as an apostate at all!

    I'm more of a heretic!

    I like that reasoning!

    (Do they still take heritics and burn them at the stake?)


  • red21

    Those that have no logical argument, do name calling. When my sister mentioned to someone about Ray Franz, their first words was that Franz was a haughty man. But, they didn't dispute what he said they just deflected because they HAD no argument or wouldn't even try. The problem is that once they label you as an apostate there is no way to ever win with them unless they are willing to step outside the box and stop drinking the koolaid without ever asking what its made of!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • zengalileo

    It does still hurt me whenever I'm relegated to a label. It is in fact a slur the way it is used by JWs. It is an instant thought-stopping slur, and an effective one. It is exactly the same as all the racist slurs out there ni@@er, sp*c, red n#ck, f@g etc. AND just like all those racist slurs, some groups actually take the slur and start referring to one another with it, most notably n*gger by African Americans. That is why we see many ex-JWs refer to themselves as apostates. I have at tinmes done this just because I know JWs and exJWs will know what I am talking about. But I think it is a nasty habit, and I personally try not to identify with the term.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I think people here adopt Apostate as a badge. The gay community embraced the term "queer." I saw it go from being reviled to a code word for a snappy, sexy time. I think "gay" has the same derivation. When they first starting using gay, I thought they meant happy. I had no idea homosexuality was involved. Now gay is gay.

    If Satan called me an apostate, I'd be pleased as punch. I am out of the org for so long that I don't care what jokesters in Brooklyn call me. I don't give a damn.

  • steve2

    If apostasy is about deviating from one's faith, then modern-days JWs have apostasized from the JWs of the 1930s (who were under subservience to Monster Rutherford) who had in turn apostazised from the gentle, but quite mad Chuck Russell of the 1880s.

    If it's company you crave, as an apostate you're in very plenty of company even in the kingdom hall!

  • rebel8

    Childish perhaps...gratifying definitely!

    I don't think it's childish at all. It's horrible to manipulate the final arrangements against the wishes of the decedent's own family.

    What you did was express your dissatisfaction.

    If they wanted to have their own ceremony to remember her then they should have had one of their "get togethers" at a private home instead of scheduling a public service against your will.

    Honestly, I can't imagine the general public wouldn't find this 100% outrageous.

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