Disgusting talk about disfellowshipped children...

by Morbidzbaby 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Morbidzbaby

    Understandable... and no one is going to remove your comments, they're fine. I think, though, that any JW who comes here and looks around a bit and STAYS is beyond being affected by words like Oz's. I know I was.

    As for your daughter, there was someone on here awhile back (can't remember the username, forgive me) who took the time to actually make a full binder of information regarding the old Watchtower stuff (like the cross and crown, the pyramids, the original beliefs, etc) as well as the UN scandal, the 1914, 607/587, etc. She had a very close relationship with her daughter and she sat down with her one day and showed her the binder. She opened it up and couldn't stop reading it. It was instrumental in opening her eyes. Maybe if your daughter knew that YOU YOURSELF felt you were wrong and mistaken about this organization and that you regret bringing her up in it and she could see evidence of it, it might help her to look into things...

  • iCeltic

    I've got a notepad(I even spent a bit a bought a nice moleskin book for these important notes) full of things, generation, watchtower 'as if it's the bible' education, faithful slave, tons of it. None of these things are as strong as the influence a hard core JW mother has on you (well, certainly in this case)

    I have a strong influence as well, which is good. She's already been 'encouraged' to pioneer....I nipped that in the bud straight away.

  • Morbidzbaby

    Good! Last thing she needs to is to devote every second of her time to knocking on doors of empty houses... Are you doing the little by little approach? Does she know anything about how you really feel about the org?

  • Black Sheep
  • iCeltic

    Morb - i'll message you

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Hey iceltic

    Your comments cause no grief to me! Yes i was angry and disgusted. No i am not crazy and would never do what i felt like either.

    Yes JWs lurk here, and i am very conscious of how i personally come accross on here. BUT, sometime those 'lurkers' need to see the ugly side too. I am not about to mamby pamby some JW by expressing myself ''Oh those darn JWs and their mean nasty talks'' either. There is far worse 'apostate' stuff to frighten them off than me having a little rant!

    And...sometimes 'expletive deleted' is just the right word.


    And Morbidz...thanks!

  • Morbidzbaby

    Bad idea showing me that, Black Sheep... I had to comment ....er...rant...

    Oz, no worries... We all get angry at things now and again. I know you're not looney tunes lol.

  • iCeltic

    I wasn't talking about lurkers, I was talking about JWs looking for help to leave. Anyway, I see your point, point taken.

  • ProdigalSon

    Thanks for posting this Morbidzbaby.

    I left a nasty but truthful comment on their blog and put my first and last name on it.

    Fuck 'em. Judgmental bastards.....

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Didn't listen to it, but I get the idea.

    Not too long ago my WORLDLY sister asked my mother for some old family photos of us kids so we would scan them into the computer. My mother resisted giving them to her. Why?

    She literally told my sister that when she (my sister) is destroyed in Armageddon, all my mother will have left of her is these pictures and so she didn't want to lose them.


    AUSSIEOZ - it's actually kind of funny. . . I remember my maternal grandmother who was VIRULENTLY opposed to my mother becoming a witness saying if she won the lottery, she would bomb all of the JWs!

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