Disgusting talk about disfellowshipped children...

by Morbidzbaby 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • fallen_princess

    I literally feel sick to my stomach. I stopped listening to it after 15 min or so. I don't need this anger right now....thanks for sharing though!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    ''Ever wonder what the account of the widow of Nain and our children who have left Jehovah may have in common? I'll give you a hint.....Jesus could bring them back to life too''!

    So it this Jesus fellow that is to blame. HE is the one that can 'bring them back'. So if they do not come back, JESUS IS TO BLAME for choosing to NOT do his stuff.

    Evil Fuckers those Jehovahs witnesses.


    Listened to 10 mins and i want to blow up every kingdom hall in the world, with them all in them.

    What crap likening mafia boys as better then your own kids because at least the mafia kids hid the bad stuff from their parents!!!!


  • nugget

    It is all about tightening the grip on those left in. Youths in the audience who may wish to leave you will be shunned. We have made you poor and Ill educated but you will be forced to make your own way in the world if you show discontent.

    These talks are for the audience and that audience is becoming more fanatical. Glad to be out.

  • Botzwana

    I listened to the whole thing. Haven´t heard a talk in over a year. Started to feel guilty. Man I need to read Crisis of Conscience again. Wish I had access to it.

    The scripture that got to me was the priest´s boys thrusting their stuff in Jah´s face. Why do I feel guilty?

  • Morbidzbaby

    @ Botswana, that is the goal of this kind of propaganda...to make you feel guilty and make you want to return. REMEMBER this...ALWAYS: It is the hurtful and devious methods of the Watchtower that keep people enslaved to them. It's talks like this that keep people "in line" and in fear of losing their families. It's emotional blackmail. Please check your PM's regarding Crisis of Conscience...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If I'm not wrong, that is a very old talk and a helluva lot of kids have thrust the shoot in Jehovah's nose since Sir Nutcase gave it .........

    .........and poor old Jehovah hasn't had what it takes to do anything about it.

  • iCeltic

    Only listened to 5 mins of it and stopped, pointless. I already know JW beliefs, I was one for ten years, I also knew if I left I'd be viewed a certain way. I don't think it's right but there you go. Not liking it is one thing, wanting to kill every JW is another, I'm sorry Aussie oz but you sound f'in crazy. Yes, you might be pissed off, who isn't? Coming across like that will never help any other people to escape. My daughter is in one of those halls you'd like to blow up.

  • Morbidzbaby

    iCeltic, I think Oz was just typing out of anger. He's perfectly sound in mind, just pissed off...and has every right to be. My children and my parents are in some of those Kingdom Halls as well, along with other family members. I didn't get offended at what he said, just realized it was anger talking and that he isn't seriously considering something like that. He doesn't come across like that often, and his story and input has helped others. It was just the heat of the moment from listening to that talk. I myself found it difficult not to wish the speaker to be struck by lightning...

    As for being a JW for 10 years and knowing what would happen if you left, it's a lot different when you are born in, have no choice in how you are raised, and then the very parents who supposedly love you turn their backs on you because as an adult you make a choice for yourself. They raise you with this notion that you have free will and can make your own choice, all the while driving in Watchtower doctrine which rails against that free will. And then when you exercise the free will that their "god" supposedly created you with, they treat you as if you are dead...because they can't stone you, so that's the next best thing. So, understandably, listening to this kind of vitriol being espoused from the platform and KNOWING our parents are being nailed with this utter bullshit and being taught to view us like this...it's angering, to say the least.

  • iCeltic

    I have a child who was born in and I now face the difficulty of trying to adjust something's that I started in the first place, it's not easy and I'm not certain if I'll be able to without ruining things, I can only hope I can.

    I saw plenty in my time being there, plenty to make me angry I can assure you. I wasn't giving Aussie Oz a hammering but you need to realise that JWs also read this and angry or not, that comes across only one way. I'm angry, angry at what I gave and for how long, and for how long after I was still affected, longer than when I was actually there. These people need help, and this is one place to get that help but reading that comment could make people think twice of coming here.

  • iCeltic

    And btw, it's just an opinion, take it or leave it, it wasnt an attempt to start an argument. Feel free to remove my comments if they cause offence, I'm old enough and ugly enough to handle it.

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