What percentage of assmbly experiences are total fabrication?

by NoRegrets 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    I was made to sit and read the creation book I think during religious studies. My teacher looked over my shoulder to check out what I was reading and that was it. End of story. But I was made to give my experience at the circuit assembly and was told what to say. It ended up that I placed a book with my teacher. And even started to have regular chats with her about creation. It was all a lie.

  • donuthole

    I recall a young man giving a convention experience about how got wrapped up in the video game "The Sims". Because he wanted to be a pioneer, in the game he chose a male roomate. He was shocked when the roomate character started putting the moves on his character. Alas, the horrors of video games. According to my wife who also played the game at the time, same-sex character wouldn't initiate a romantic relationship unless directed to by player. So if this young man's characters were "woo-hooing" it was because he instructed them too.

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