What percentage of assmbly experiences are total fabrication?

by NoRegrets 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • NoRegrets

    Another time when I was a teen I had the CO call me directly at home. We knew him pretty well because he stayed in our home the week of their visit. He called me asking if I had any experiences of informal witnessing at school. I really hadn't since I tried to keep my JW status on the down low. He assumed I had because I was a seemingly exemplary teen. I ran the sound box and mics and frequently auxillary pioneered even during school months (public school). He seemed so surprised when I had no experiences come to mind and sat silently on the phone while I awkwardly tried to think of any possible experience. I finally (after some LONG awkward pauses) drummed up a rather tepid encounter from the past where I had loaned a copy of the Reasoning book to one of my closest non-witness friends at school. He simply wanted to understand more about my beliefs because we were friends. I don't even recall how I built a story around it, but it had to have been embellished just to fill the time. I did write it myself, so it was honest, but definitely drawn out in the detaila and with pretend optimism of future developments that would never be.

    It was more the like the CO liked the idea of me having a part and wanted me for that demonstration regardless of how inane the actual story was!

  • ssn587

    what is unique is that an experience a nonwitness husband had many years ago. Witnesses were not allowed into Military housing, and yet there we no gates or entry points into the housing. The husband trying to help his wife (why why why)went to the base police inquiring why they weren't allowed, got the answer that the military housing authority wouldn't allow it, butttttt if you can get them to okay it and let us know we will be good with it. Well the husband spent many a time cajoling the housing authorty (bitch by the way) until finally she relented. He took a letter from them to give to the MPs and asked them to also call the officer in charge and let him know it will be alright for the dubs to go d-t-d there. Well eventually they were allowed. Now the unique part sitting at a CA with his wife the husband hears a brother up there (elder by the way) who takes credit for the whole thing. Stood up there an lied his ass off about it. My wife was incredulous, unfortunatelfy she was also self deluded about what she should do so she just kept quiet. The PO of the cong. finally came to the husband and apoligized saying it wouldn't have looked good for a nonwitness to go up there and relay that experience so elder smelder was chosen to do it. What a lying bunch of scum bags those people were, and it's unfortunate that most of the experiences are pure Bs or given to someone else to give.

  • ssn587

    It's easy to fabricate or at least not tell an experience truthfully. elder smelder is given the experiences for the ca, so desperately seeking to find someone with a legitimate experience worth telling.

    Finally out of desperation he talks to bro and sis idiotic and ask them in a pleading voice if they have anything anything at all that he can use as an expereince.

    Bro and Sis Idotic finally think of something and tell the elder that when they were camping in northern california they were able to place 10 mags with a group of young men who were camping up there, and that they were real happy to have them and thanked Bro and Sis idiotic. So Bro and Sis idiotic were able to give a good witness and were sure that the mags would be put to good use and fill them with knowledge of the bible. The Bro and Sis were some what downhearted when they found out what the mags were being used for and why they were accepted. Telling the elder this he cautioned them to just tell the good parts leave out the whole truth.

    Well the real truth of the matter was that, these young college students had run out of toilet paper, and being desperate for some they were even willing to talk with the dubs camped just down from them, and when the dubs offered the mags the college students were elated, now they would have something to wipe with. They thanked the Bro and Sis profusely, and then some of them promptly after the dubs had left started tearing pages apart and put them to use.

    The mags were dually used in that they could read them while sitting on the can and then use them for what they really were nothing but mere asswipes, and that is the real truth of the matter.

    see while not all experiences are full fabrication (as i'm sure a lot are) tell a little bit of truth with the big lie and convince yourself you are really telling the truth but don't forget to take your notes with you so you can check them so you don't forget.

  • WTWizard

    I believe most of them are loosely based on true experiences. They embellish them so much that they make a big deal out of someone that clicked the X on their browser to avoid a virus, that it would sound like they were closing out an apostate web site or porn. Or, they might make a refusal to smoke (because they hate the way it stinks or that it is a waste of money) into doing it for Jehovah.

    And, there are the forced ones. Parents that force their teenagers to throw away good albums that are "dirty", and then the teenagers pious-sneer. What they won't say is that the parents forced them to pious-sneer, and that with all the fun gone, they don't have anything left to do that is worthwhile. And, what about the single mother that pious-sneers despite being bedridden (nothing better to do and not having to worry about making a living, or wasting money on gas), having 6 children (who can help, usually making pious-sneering that much easier for the mother), and being of little means (except getting donations from others in the congregation "to help out your pious-sneers")?

    Another I find disgusting is when someone is in a critical need, and they "happen" to receive exactly the amount they "need". They might be something like $195.52 short on their bills, facing eviction or getting their electricity cut off--and then $195.52 appears unexpectedly. To me, that sounds like Jehovah is being stingy because there is going to be the same issue next month. To the witlesses, it sounds like Jehovah is taking care of his people--bah! I wonder how many they don't mention that get their damn electricity cut off or evicted from their apartment or home because that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag didn't do anything except instruct people to wait on him.

  • Iconoclast

    We had a family in our district that were complete ass kissers. This elder had his five sons go up on stage to give individual accounts of the pressures of peers while they were in high school and what they did to twart those evil bastards. The kicker? They were all homeschooled from the fourth grade.

  • karter

    The best one i heard was a married couple who said they sold their house to go pionering.

    The truth was they built this flash house becouse all his family had flash houses but could'nt afford the morgage and sold it becouse they had to.

    There was a sister in their congro selling appartments off the plans and told them they could sell them when finished at a tidy profit.

    Well the whole thing went belly up and they were bankrupted and he had to step down as an Elder.

    So the truth was......We sold the house becouse we had to..he never went pionering...we went into a houseing scheme hopeing to make alot of money and last everything.

  • N.drew

    Jesus said his follows are no part of the world. What identifies "the world" is A Lie (according to Genesis)

    So kingdom=the truth of life

    and world=the lie

    One type of lie is propaganda. Here is what Google says about it;

    1. Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
    2. The dissemination of such information as a political strategy.
  • shepherd

    "I believe most of them are loosely based on true experiences."

    This is how I see it. I was interviewed a few times over the years, and two of my sons too. Maybe 10% of what is said is pure truth, the rest 'adapted'. The talk outlines specify what 'experience' to find, so then they go look for someone that can relate something faintly similar, then adjust it by 'highlighting' an aspect of the tale.

    My sons were made to look like little angels who were destined to be perfect elders and pioneers. They were nothing of the sort.

    I remember how experiences more often than not depressed people rather than encouraged them.

    One experience was a family man with 3 or 4 teenage children who managed to go part time working to just 2 days a week and pioneer. It was inferred if he can do it, everyone can!

    However, what they left out was that he was a specialist tree surgeon and 2 days work/pay was as much as most people earned in a month. So, people got depressed they could not make the sacrifices he did, when in reality he had a perfectly comfortable life.

  • Bangalore

    Many are quite embelished.


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    It starts with an outline already written by the borg. Local elders then find someone willing to "twist" their experience to closely match this already prepared outline... so much of it is "stretched truth"...

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