Free Will and Foreknowledge

by TheUbermensch 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leavingwt

    Calvinism rejects free will and deals with all of these issues. Whatever God says is 'good' is good and everyone must deal with it. Everything is predestined (and double predestined). Many are brought forth to burned in Hell for all eternity -- by design. He loves Jacob and he hates Esau. This is how he rolls.

    (I reject all of that, but I wanted you to know that your objections are dealt with in Calvinism, at length.)

  • N.drew

    Funny Terry, that you would keep a Watchtower teaching as your own?*

    So too with God inventing people and giving them the ability to decide "good" and "bad". You are just asking unnecessarily for trouble!!

    That is not what was decided, that humans decide what is "good" and "bad".

    That is a lie of the Watchtower.

    *OK I know you do not believe, so why mention it? It is something to discard in "gehenna".

  • tec

    isn't there a difference between seeing different possibilities and the eventual result? Does he know the result or not? If he does, then how much can we actually change the direction of our lives?

    I think He knows the end result for all. I'm not sure that He knows the end result for each individual. (this is speculation on my behalf, mind you) I think He hopes and wants us all to come to Him, and to love one another. I think He gives us all that choice... to do so of our own free will. I think He knows that not all will choose that. But who and how many will or will not choose that... well, I think that becomes up to us.

    Regardless of how it works from His POV... from our POV, we all have the right and ability to choose our own path, and the consequences of those paths.

    Jay, I'm not sure of the problem? I could try and guess, but I'd rather you spell it out so I don't misunderstand, if you will? Thanks.



  • tec

    I reject Calvinism as well, Leaving.

    And Terry, I don't want my kids to be good because I make them be good. I want them to choose it for themselves, because that is who they want to be. The first scenario is meaningless.



  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Actually....If you look at the possibility that our creator god is not THE GOD (the father)...then it could make a bit more sense...maybe???

    Our creator God does not know everything..he is limited in his knowledge....and he could be waiting to see how it all pans out. The father, the true God...knows what is really happening and how it ends but wants the creator god and all his cronies to learn a lesson.

    So we do what we choose, much to the creator gods distaste, and in the meantime we have the opportunity to either find salvation...or not, which of course the father already knows, but the test is not ours, it is the creator long will it take before he admits he has failed?

  • N.drew

    Dear still thinking, you should write a book. You can publish it yourself, you know.

    My brother-in-law lives off the proceeds of his self published books on the internet.

    You have one wild imagination. Make some $. You have the free will to do so!

  • Shanagirl

    I like the explanation by Jesus to John the son of Zebedee in the Click here: The Secret Book of John (Apocryphon of John)

    I think there are many emanations from the True God, Source of Free Will and All. I also find it comforting to learn that the Jehovah god I used tobelieve was the true God is the fake creator god Yaldabaoth aka Yahweh, Jehovah, and the one chief Archon who has brought deception thru all religions on earth who fight over the idea of salvationism thru the 3 Abrahamic religions of Judeo-Christian, and Islamic beliefs. The jealous angry god of the OT still wreaking havoc today.


  • N.drew

    Jehovah is jealous of the TRUTH that leads to the KINGDOM. Stupid stupid...Not you...just like he said dumb people not knowing that they are.

  • N.drew

    You thought HE was jealous of other gods??? I mean IF HE were like, real.

    Repeat after me for not of, for not of, for not of.....

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    What is he jealous of N.drew?...who can compare to him?

    Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

    Does this sound like a god of love...punishing children to the third and fourth generation? Why would children deserve punishment for what their parents did or did not do?

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