I told the baptist church pastor that I'm gay!

by TimothyT 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento
    PSacramento: I wonder if that is how God truly views it though. Maybe this is a form of denail, but is what was originaly written about homosexuality in the bible what we consider homosexuality today? I have done lots of reserach on this and i still dont know realy, but in any event i cant help but think that if i am sinning then i can only put my trust in Jesus sacrifice like all the other sinners who put faith in him do.

    There are many views in regards to why God MAY have had issues with the practise of homosexuality, from the simple issue of procreation to making the hebrews distinct from thier neighbours that did practise homosexuality as a form of religious rituals.

    Homosexuality tends to be lumped in as a practise of pagan god worshipping so there is THAT very big issue.

  • tec

    Regardless of how liberal any church or religion is, IF it follows the Bible then homosexuality is an issue.

    If it follows the bible, then yes. I think the best you'll be able to hope for in that case is acceptance - in the sense that the pastor believes it is a sin, but no different than any other sin that everyone commits.

    If it follows Christ alone, though, then no.

    Then the emphasis should be on faith and on love and doing good to one another. I don't remember Christ ever speaking out against gay men or women. I do remember Him saying something along the lines of the golden rule, showing mercy and forgiveness, of loving God and neighbor... and of loving one another AS He loved us.

    Peace to you,


  • PSacramento

    The teachings of Christ that we have in writing don't mention anything about homosexuality.

    That Christ was open to "over turn" many of the OT "laws" was evidence that he did ( more re0interpretation than over turn but still).

    In the NT the most vocal against it was Paul and that is understandable since he was the one most exposed to it in the pagan communities that he travled through and again, those acts tended to be worship based and that would make them even MORE of an issue.

    The OT is clear about a man laying with another man as he would with a woman and the penality is also very clear, thank the LORD we have "evolved" beyond that stage by the Good Grace of Our Lord who reminded Us to LOVE those that sin.

    Homosexuality IS a sin according to the bible and I personally wish that it was NOT the case since I know that no one choose to be Gay.

  • yourmomma

    "Homosexuality IS a sin according to the bible and I personally wish that it was NOT the case since I know that no one choose to be Gay."

    I couldnt reconsile the above, and thats one of the reasons I took a step back from "Christianity".

  • littlerockguy

    Being a homosexual and expecting nonjudgemental acceptance in most christian churches is kinda of like being African-American and expecting acceptance in a local KKK chapter.


  • Nice_Dream

    Sending you a PM

  • PaintedToeNail

    Hi Tim, I'm very curious as to why you keep making your homosexuality a huge issue. Are you not more than your penis? No disrespect intended, I'm just wondering. Quendi and some other gay posters don't seem to come across as this issue being so consuming for them.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @PSacramento: Jesus said himself he was not here to overturn the law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:18). Jesus required the law ( Acts 3: 22, 23 ) to even have a claim to his divinity. He just wanted to get rid of the non-Mosaic rules the teachers back then had added on top of the already lengthy law code (Matthew 23:2, 3, 16-22) . He failed and it spun off a whole new form (less strict, more mystic form) of Judaism.

    In either case there are plenty of other religions that will accept your nature and they are the other 50% of the world (the non-Abrahamic religions). You are holding on to the bible for some reason and that's understandable and you're free to do so but maybe you should investigate first why. Who's approval do you want? Do you think your JW family would accept you more if you remain "Christian"?

    If you're merely looking for spirituality to fill the void of what you left behind, maybe you need to see what 'else' is out there. Abraham didn't like one of his family (Lot is a close contestor seeing the story of Sodom & Gomorrah and the disappearance of his (only) wife) being gay so it eventually got codified in the religions that spawned from him.

  • shamus100

    I'd parrot pretty much what LRG just typed out. ;(

  • Rocky_Girl

    I read an article written last year from a conservative rabbi explaining the context of so called "anti-gay" bible verses in Leviticus that was very enlightening, but I am having trouble finding it with google.

    Homosexuality is not an issue within Judaism unless you go ultra-orthodox. There are, and have been, gay rabbis (male and female) for over a decade in Reform and Conservative congregations, and recently I read of the first gay orthodox rabbi ordained. There are 2 couples in our congregation who are homosexual and one of the female couple is our Board President. Both couples had a Jewish wedding ceremony in the temple even though they cannot legally marry in our state. And we just had a naming ceremony for the males' new adopted daughter this past Friday evening.

    The point is, according to some interpretations of scripture, homosexuality is not a sin. So, Timothy, don't settle for a place that merely tolerates how God made you; find a place that embraces you just how God made you.

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