I told the baptist church pastor that I'm gay!

by TimothyT 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dogpatch

    Thanks Timothy,

    I haven't been on the forum lately to see who new is there, sorry! We plan to move it to a new website soon that we are making for WT throw-aways and young men and women who want to get a new life and new career going, be it in the business world or self-styled entreprenuerial way.

    More to come.


  • TimothyT

    Thanks to those who have given me nice words of wisdom and comfort, particularly Punk and Quendi!

    I just want to make something clear: IM NOT INTERESTING IN JOINING A RELIGION! Iv had ENOUGH of religion and churches. I simply want to go somewhere where i can listen to good spiritual things from the bible, where i can be accepted and were NO COMMITMENT is acceptable in the eyes of the church. The days of pleasing others and explaining who i am to others are GONE!!! Its simple! I just want these basic things.

    I love the sound of those churches where they say that the emphasis is on the love of Jesus. In actual fact this is what the baptist minister said to me. Punk, you recommended this church and i still thing its a good one. It just appears that the pastor has some reservations on homosexuals. If he cant accept me then ill simply go to another spiritual community where i am welcomed. I live in the UK though and Unitarians dont exist here! Well not close by anyway! Id love to find a local church where the minister is gay! HAHA!!!

    Timmy xxx

  • NewChapter

    My pastor is a lesbian. Too bad UU chuches are too far for ya!


  • scotsman
  • scotsman

    Shop around Timothy, you'll find somewhere that you're comfortable in. The friends I have that attend church have all fallen for smells'n'bells at episcopal churches.

  • PSacramento


    You need to understand that the bible is quite clear on the fact that homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of God.

    Regardless of how liberal any church or religion is, IF it follows the Bible then homosexuality is an issue.

    How MUCH of one is something else.

    It is quite understandable for a priest ( of any denomination) to have reservations on how to deal with homosexuality and homosexuals, which doesn't mean you won't be accepted and loved and respected, it just means that the issue is still there.

  • journey-on

    TimothyT, you will find a place that fits you like a glove. While you're on your mission, you may open a few hearts and minds along the way among some of the more unenlightened pastors. Your love of Christ, your kind heart and soul, and your openness to be who you are has got to ring a bell of truth that some are bound to respond to.

    There is a scripture in the Gospels somewhere that talks about the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of the light. I might be reading it through my own pov, but that scripture tells me than things change with the times. This includes attitudes and povs. There is a place of genuine Christ-like love out there somewhere for you.

  • TimothyT

    PSacramento: I wonder if that is how God truly views it though. Maybe this is a form of denail, but is what was originaly written about homosexuality in the bible what we consider homosexuality today? I have done lots of reserach on this and i still dont know realy, but in any event i cant help but think that if i am sinning then i can only put my trust in Jesus sacrifice like all the other sinners who put faith in him do.

    I have often thought to myself, bo**ocks to everything and just given up my search for spirituality, but no... no matter what the bible says about homosexuals, i still love reading about what Jesus did for us and i want to emulate his example as best i can in my life. Im sure many here would think im daft for that. Perhaps they may see im wasting my time, or stressing over someone who doesnt even exist. Each to there own of course. On the other hand, can i learn to be straight and try to please God that way? I think it would take a gay person to understand the possibility of this happening and how difficult it would be. I remember an elder said to me before i was disfellowshipped that if the elders all prayed for me together it would remove my homosexuality. Now that is a load of rubbish. It cant be changed and im certain God himself understands that and what agony i have been through in trying to change it when i was a JW. I accept that he may not accept me anymore and i may be wrong in his eyes, but is it futile to keep trying to show him that i care about following him? After all the scriptures point out that those earnestly seeking him will be rewarded! I hope this includes me!

  • sabastious

    Westboro Baptist Church...

    Baptists are fundy cult members similar to the Witnesses, but with a whole lot more hell I believe.


  • transhuman68

    Why waste your time with some tin-pot religion like the Baptists? Go straight to the top, and become part of the Establishment- the Anglican Church. There must be one on every corner in the U.K. surely... the Queen is the head of the church of England, but there must be plenty of queens sitting in the pews too...

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