I need support please

by AwSnap 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    AwSnap - BIG HUGG to you!

    It hursts! It sounds like your sister does love you but the cult has a hold on her that she can't see the obvious. I like what you wrote her. Reminding her that it is HER that is hurting your relationship and how you feel about it. My brother has shunned me but when confronted tries to make it like it is MY choice?! It's just cult mind thinking. Best wishes any day you'll be a MOMMY!!



  • AwSnap

    Of Course, Found Sheep. That's the stereotypical response. Ive been through that reasoning too. "But YOU'RE the one who left jehovah".

    Actually, its been quite awhile...but I remember hearing that many times in the past. My response is always the same: "I assure you that I have not left God, nor has he left me. I simply do not believe your beliefs are godly."

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Lot's of good advice. I know it is tough. I am sorry you have to deal with that.

    That said, one short piece of advice, very hard to apply when you hurt:

    Be the better person. Elevate yourself above their pettiness. Doing so will have the greater reward.


  • AwSnap


    My little munchkin was born on Thursday afternoon, after 36 hours of labor. I will be sure to remind her of that for the rest of her life but right now I am just enjoying every little thing about her. I didnt realize I had so many kisses to give. My younger sis sent me a text that said "looks like she's got your cute nose ;-) " ....I'll just take what I can get from her. I've got too many blessings right now to get upset about petty things.

  • EmptyInside

    Aww,congrats,to you and your husband and new daughter. Best wishes.

  • palmtree67

    Beautiful baby girl, beautiful name......

    Congratulations on your new little person!

    (((( Snap ))))

  • GLTirebiter

    What a little darling! Congratulations to you and your husband.

  • tec

    Adorable baby girl! Congratulations.

    Your sister has to be limited in how she loves. Since you've been there, you know what she is feeling. You, however, are not so limited. You are free to love and to love well!

    You also have the beautiful and awesome opportunity to show your daughter what love truly is. So that one day (or rather, from day one), she will know that love is not supposed to be limited.

    Love and peace to you and your little one,


  • leavingwt

    Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! Thank you for sharing this photo with us.

    Enjoy every minute of it. They grow up so fast.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite

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