THE FLOOD - What's Jehovah's problem now?

by sizemik 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    "Every Fourthousand years my children need a good whomping" God

  • tec

    I think there is a lesson we don't take away from the story, whether you believe it is literal, figurative, local or global:

    I think a big bad wipeout of the world only resets things. If people still have darkness within them, rather than light, then things will just develop the same as they have since the flood. It is written that God promised to never destroy all living things again... by a flood. I know people focus on the 'flood' part of that promise. But it would seem to me that he won't do the same thing (such as armageddon - the jw version at least), because it did not end sin and wickedness. Those things came back because of what is IN people.

    WE are what must change... from within. We must be transformed so that there is no more darkness, no more hate and anger, etc, etc... no more of what causes people to sin. We won't be capable of sinning and causing harm, because it won't be in us any longer.



  • ProdigalSon

    Wow Tammy, I think you're gettin' it!

  • tec

    Thanks, PS. It makes sense, doesn't it?

    With the jw's it isn't even a question of if it will happen again. In their reasoning, even after Armageddon... it DOES happen again, and even with the same people who were 'good' enough to survive armageddon. Very discouraging. No sense to it.



  • designs

    'I love the smell of Napalm in the morning, it reminds me I'm God' God

  • 1975

    Sizmik, you asked, What say you? I'm not going to discredit what you presented. I'm going to express my observation. When I read the scriptures, especially the book of Ecclesiates, I think of man's CREATOR as being TIME, to me he is TIME. May I suggest you take the time to read the 12 chapters of Eccl., and read with an open mind, meaning without prejudice. Everything we do in life hinges on time, it's amazing, and we have NO control over time. According to the scriptures, we are at the lowest ebb in human imperfection, and yet, man's inventions and accomplishments are awesome. What imperfect man has been able to construct since the begining of time is mind boggling, what's my point? What do you think man can create and accomplish under perfect conditions? The scriptures tell us that his ways and thought are not our ways and thoughts. Can we assume what our Creator is thinking? I agree that the only thing we draw our conclusions on is whether we believe in the scriptures or not, but, isn't that a personal choice? Wasn't that Satan's CHALLENGE that man does not have a choice, but is dictated and controlled? Tell me, assuming you were in a position of hiring and firing, what would you do if someone challenged your position? Would you suck up to him or give them the booth or show empathy? I've said enough for now.


  • alg1052

    Remember that Angels had materialized and mated with women resulting with the freakish Nephilim. By cleaning the Earth of the Nephilim and their overall influence in addition with removing the ability of the demonic angels to materialize. Thus allowing righteous Noah and his family to survive without the direct interferance of Satan and Demons the issues that Satan made still had to be settled. God wanted to make sure all the legal questions were answered and the matter closed forever. This took additional time.

    Noah and his family still had the inherited sin passed down from Adam. The ransome price had yet to be paid.

    Before the flood the Earth was in dis-order. The flood represented the the great judge Jehovah banging the gavel bringing order to the court.

  • designs

    'Before the Flood the Earth was in dis-order'...Prove it.

  • alg1052

    Gen 6:1-13. All we have is God's word. You have faith in it or you don't. Heb 11:1

  • doubtful

    Great thread.

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