
by anniegirl76 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • anniegirl76

    godrulz, may I ask how you came to be evangelical christian?

  • godrulz

    When I was 12, I heard the gospel preached with power and anointing. The Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin and convinced me through the Word about the person and work of Christ. I gave my life to Him and was born again and had a personal relationship with Him (I had also gone to Sunday School somewhat as a kid and did read my Bible, etc.). For most of my teen years, I had mental assent to Christianity, but lived for self/world. When I was 18, my life fell apart and I surrendered anew to Jesus as Lord and Savior. After months of struggle with depression and spiritual oppression, I gave up and woke up next morning a new creature in Christ. It was not based on indoctrination or study with a formal group. In Acts 2, people were born again upon repenting and receiving Christ. If you have not, you can also receive Him and become a child of God, a new creature in Christ with a certain hope of eternal life now. Your faith must be in the true Jesus, God Almighty in the flesh (Jn. 1:12; Jn. 3:16; Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; I Cor. 15:1-4; Eph. 2:8-10; Titus 3:5; Rom. 10:9-10; Rom. 3:23; Rom. 6:23; Rom. 5:8; I Jn. 5:11-13, etc.).

    The gospel includes truths about God (holy, loving, triune, just, merciful, etc.), man (sinful by choice, lawless, rebel, in need of a Savior), Christ (His incarnation, Deity, death, resurrection, Second Coming), Repentant Faith/continuance in the faith (we are saved by grace through faith in the person and work of Christ apart from our filthy rags works). Those who are saved are normatively baptized (identification publicly with Christ and His church as a witness, not for salvation), attend a Christ-centered, Bible-believing church, share their faith, study and obey His Word, pray, serve, love, etc. (doing these things does not save us, but helps us grow and mature and become useful). Going door to door, being faithful to WT, reading cultic literature, obeying man vs God, doing good works, etc. cannot and will not save. He is a prayer away and will give you more light as you obey the light He gives.

  • anniegirl76

    Thank you. I do pray everyday, from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. I know there's a god and I know his son sacrificed himsef for us, and everyday I know I fail and sin because I am human. Everyday I ask for forgiveness and the patience to be a better person. I appreciate your loyalty and dedication to your beliefs, thank you for sharing with me.

  • bsmart

    Annie I found "Crisis Of Conscience" on ebay...It took a week or two but it finally came up. I got it for less than $15 including shipping. If I hadn't sent it to my sister I would send it on to you. Ebay takes a little while but everything comes up sooner or later.

  • anniegirl76


    thank you so much!!! I'll check it out!!!

  • anniegirl76

    I know at times it sounds like I'm beating a dead horse, with my repeat of questions. How is the world that horrible, when people are willing to work on mother's day for someone else? Last week when we had those horrific storms that killed hundreds and devastated thousands, I have never seen so many people come together to help rebuild others' lives'. When JW's get involved it is to help only another congregation or JW, how is this being loving or christlike? I've seen more attempts at a christlike life OUTSIDE of being a JW, then I ever did being in it.

  • godrulz

    The WT is weak to non-existent with true acts of love and service to the community/lost. Their primary focus is door-to-door and internal needs for its own members. Preaching is paramount, but it is also practical/loving to serve others with no hidden agenda (to convert them, etc.). The social gospel is another extreme where we feed the bodies, but let the soul perish for lack of the gospel.

  • anniegirl76

    I had an amazing day, I helped put together food and care boxes for the storm survivors here in eastern tennessee. The thing about this is, it was done at a local church, not ours. Being raised JW, you don't go to other churches for ANY reason...this was very freeing for me and I felt on top of the world. Next is donating blood.

  • godrulz

    You go girl...serve others, give the gift of life, etc., pleasing to God, displeasing to WT (Pharisees also hounded Jesus and Jesus saved his harshest words for them; JWs are modern day Pharisees in many ways).

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    godrulz: We [evangelical Christians] have our own issues and problems, but would claim roots with the first century church and Scripture.

    Wow, nobody else has claimed that so you guys must be the real deal.

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